Being a double Sagittarius, born with wheels on my feet, I really hate sitting in one place for very long. This makes me just about the worst candidate in the world for traditional meditating.
Oh, I've tried it. Many times. And failed miserably at each attempt.
The first try at meditation was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's mode of meditating. I was given a mantra to repeat endlessly until I achieved Nirvana or something. All I ever achieved was becoming agitated from the boring repetition of a word that had no meaning.
I tried the breathing technique, where you focus on your breath. In. Out. In. Out. That lasted about five minutes for me before I found other things that were much more interesting to focus on. Like my cute instructor.
Through the years there have been other methods I've tried, each time thinking maybe this would be the one to put me into that peaceful state of mind that professional meditators promote. So far, the only state of mind I've achieved during meditation is one of extreme agitation or boredom. Or both.
Finally I realized that I'm one of those people who just can't sit still and NOT use their mind for it's designated purpose of thinking. It was about that time when I found Tai Chi, which is often termed a moving meditation. I tried it and discovered it to be perfect as a meditative practice for this wiggle-butt, can't-sit-still person.
As I'm practicing a Tai Chi form, my mind is completely focused, which is one of the main points of meditation. Complete and total focus of thoughts.
Any time you're totally focused on something, it changes your brain wave state to that of Theta, which is the same frequency of brain waves that a person in deep meditation experiences.
Years ago when I had horses and rode Dressage, I would become completely engrossed in what my horse and I were doing as we practiced the movements. It took me away from the stress of my job and after the ride I was relaxed and calmed. Moving meditation.
When I fly my stunt kites my attention is completely on my kite, the wind, and the adjustments I must make to my movements in order to keep my kite aloft and describing geometric forms in the air. Moving meditation.
Any time you're so focused on whatever you're doing that the rest of the world seems to fade, you're meditating. In order to meditate you don't have to be sitting on the floor in Lotus position, repeating a mantra until your brain falls out of your head.
Your meditation practice can be anything that allows you to focus your mind, putting you in Theta brain wave state. If you're an active sort of person who hates sitting still, use one of your favorite creative activities as your moving meditation.
Kathy Wilson helps people create a better life for themselves using a multi-faceted approach. Each client's needs are unique, and the methods she uses are customized to their specific needs. She and her client may use Life Purpose Coaching, spiritual mentoring and consulting, NLP, vibrational healing, PSYCH-K, Tarot, teaching... whatever is in her client's highest and best interests. She's a Certified Professional Coach, spiritual teacher, Reiki master, vibrational healer, author of An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose, and has written and published many ebooks and articles. For information about her products, services, and classes, visit her website:
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