If you allow it, stress can easily take control of your days. I
use the word allowbecause you have a choice. I believe stress is a state
of mind.
Would you believe it if I said I really don't get stressed. Probably not! Why!Just like everyone else there are stressful situations that happen in my life.
However, there are better ways to handle stressful situations than to allow yourself
to get stuck in fear, feel your heart racing and get that feeling of anxiety that tends to permeate the body. I've been in those places and I didn't like it.
I made a decision to use the power of choice and put plans in place so that if something wasn't running smoothly I can deal with it without 'internalizing' the stress.
The subconscious mind is all powerful and old messages get stuck there so if as a child you perceived that fear and anxiety is the way to live and as an adult you look at the worst first, this can become your immediate response and anticipatory anxiety will become your behavior.
Your mindset is one of your most powerful tools however your subconscious mind is
like a mischievous little 'gremlin!' It will run your life the way it wants unless you become conscious enough to recognize the signs immediately and you have a techniques in place to deal with things differently.
If they are open to it, which most are, one of the reasons I use hypnosis with my coaching clients is because with hypnosis I can bypass the critical area of the mind
and give positive suggestions directly to your subconscious. Hypnosis works just as
well on the phone as it does in person.
I'm not just talking about stress. This applies to limiting beliefs or any kind of negative thinking that might sabotage your success including all the 'what if's" and "I can't."
Lots of things in life can cause stress both personally and professionally but instead of just getting frustrated, fearful or overwhelmed next time things don't run smoothly take a step back before reacting. Allow yourself to be conscious about how the situation makes you feel and then make the choice to deal with it differently.
Working too many hours can cause stress. Has your business/job become your life? Has it taken over so you are spending more time with your job and less time for yourself and your family?
You can easily learn how to balance your work life with your home life. Make a commitment to yourself that when you leave your job for the day work stays where it belongs - at work. Your mind needs to be on you and your family when you get home.
What does your office, home or car look like? Your environment is extremely important to the state of your mind! Disorganization tells me that your mind is in some way chaotic. This is not about perfection it's about creating a space for you that allows your mind to be calm.
Do you love to walk through your front door or do you know that you are walking into some kind of chaos? Is your office a place that feels good so you can create your days with focus, joy and passion or do you dread starting work? This applies even if you are self employed and are using your kitchen table.
No, is one of the most powerful words in the dictionary and yet there are lots of women who are afraid to say No in case they upset someone else! Is this you?
It's not necessary to say yes to everything and everyone. Create boundaries. Say Yes to YOU more often. You can still help others just remember not to go overboard. It really is okay to say no to a friend, co-worker or family member. People will respect you even more when you stick to your boundaries.
Attempting to tackle too many things at one time can cause a lot of stress. This is something that is extremely prevalent in entrepreneurs. You want to do everything. You may have so many ideas that it becomes overwhelming. You're a human being, not a robot. You also don't have to be perfect and wanting instant gratification is a sure path to creating stress and overwhelm.
Your brain can take in a lot of information and it can also overload. Do it and yourself a favor, create a plan, focus on one thing at a time and believe it or not, you will find that everything gets done. It's easier to be creative when you leave space to 'be' instead of always doing!
Would you believe it if I said I really don't get stressed. Probably not! Why!Just like everyone else there are stressful situations that happen in my life.
However, there are better ways to handle stressful situations than to allow yourself
to get stuck in fear, feel your heart racing and get that feeling of anxiety that tends to permeate the body. I've been in those places and I didn't like it.
I made a decision to use the power of choice and put plans in place so that if something wasn't running smoothly I can deal with it without 'internalizing' the stress.
The subconscious mind is all powerful and old messages get stuck there so if as a child you perceived that fear and anxiety is the way to live and as an adult you look at the worst first, this can become your immediate response and anticipatory anxiety will become your behavior.
Your mindset is one of your most powerful tools however your subconscious mind is
like a mischievous little 'gremlin!' It will run your life the way it wants unless you become conscious enough to recognize the signs immediately and you have a techniques in place to deal with things differently.
If they are open to it, which most are, one of the reasons I use hypnosis with my coaching clients is because with hypnosis I can bypass the critical area of the mind
and give positive suggestions directly to your subconscious. Hypnosis works just as
well on the phone as it does in person.
I'm not just talking about stress. This applies to limiting beliefs or any kind of negative thinking that might sabotage your success including all the 'what if's" and "I can't."
Lots of things in life can cause stress both personally and professionally but instead of just getting frustrated, fearful or overwhelmed next time things don't run smoothly take a step back before reacting. Allow yourself to be conscious about how the situation makes you feel and then make the choice to deal with it differently.
Working too many hours can cause stress. Has your business/job become your life? Has it taken over so you are spending more time with your job and less time for yourself and your family?
You can easily learn how to balance your work life with your home life. Make a commitment to yourself that when you leave your job for the day work stays where it belongs - at work. Your mind needs to be on you and your family when you get home.
What does your office, home or car look like? Your environment is extremely important to the state of your mind! Disorganization tells me that your mind is in some way chaotic. This is not about perfection it's about creating a space for you that allows your mind to be calm.
Do you love to walk through your front door or do you know that you are walking into some kind of chaos? Is your office a place that feels good so you can create your days with focus, joy and passion or do you dread starting work? This applies even if you are self employed and are using your kitchen table.
No, is one of the most powerful words in the dictionary and yet there are lots of women who are afraid to say No in case they upset someone else! Is this you?
It's not necessary to say yes to everything and everyone. Create boundaries. Say Yes to YOU more often. You can still help others just remember not to go overboard. It really is okay to say no to a friend, co-worker or family member. People will respect you even more when you stick to your boundaries.
Attempting to tackle too many things at one time can cause a lot of stress. This is something that is extremely prevalent in entrepreneurs. You want to do everything. You may have so many ideas that it becomes overwhelming. You're a human being, not a robot. You also don't have to be perfect and wanting instant gratification is a sure path to creating stress and overwhelm.
Your brain can take in a lot of information and it can also overload. Do it and yourself a favor, create a plan, focus on one thing at a time and believe it or not, you will find that everything gets done. It's easier to be creative when you leave space to 'be' instead of always doing!
Transformation Expert and certified coach Hazel Palache is the
president of Your Stairway to Wealth and an Amazon, best selling author
and motivational speaker. Additionally she is certified as a master
clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and stress management
counselor. Using the tools of NLP and hypnosis as well as her vast life
and business experience, she teaches women 45 plus, how to let go of
fear and doubt so they increase their self confidence and become
empowered to live lives infused with financial freedom, more free time
and more joy. For more information and to register for her complimentary
E-Book, Lifestyle and Business Alchemy - 10 Steps to turn Mistakes into
Success, visit http://www.yourstairwaytowealth.com
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