Self improvement is a process, whose stimulus is usually past failure, an unwanted experience like living from one pay cheque to another with no extra money to spend, bad lifestyles like being overweight, lack of self confidence or gambling, loss of a loved one, or an end to a relationship. The result is an improvement of your life, taking control, getting your life back to normal or creating the future you want. To put it in another way, getting the best out of yourself.
In order for someone to help themselves improve, they must first of all identify areas that need improvement in their lives, health, relationships, prosperity or whatever. There is also need to understand who they are, their capabilities, weaknesses and uniqueness and be honest about it. It will be useful to state these in writing and regularly refer to them so they remain focused.
Another important area to point out is for them to identify how they think they will be able to achieve their goal. So, a written action plan should then be put in place. This is achieved by self enrichment of their mind, character and attitude. It requires effort, patience, perseverance and commitment and this change does not come easily. Self-improvement e-books, home training programmes or life coaches are available online if one thinks they really need someone to help support them.
Self enrichment of mind, character and attitude are done by continuously exercising your mind with positive thinking. This is when one repeatedly tells themselves that they are just as good as anyone, can get better and can achieve anything in life. While this sounds easy, is the most difficult and yet a very important part of self improvement. This is so because of the way we have been raised, who we are, our values and beliefs. It is also the constant conflict with the subconscious mind that needs to be kept in check if one is going to achieve their goal of self improvement.
Another important area is goal setting. It is necessary that you start with short term, simple, easily achievable goals, possibly in a day, before you set big goals that will take you a while to achieve. Setting huge goals that take a while to see results usually bring in procrastination. To stay motivated, it is necessary that you set simple goals first.
Setting a routine and self discipline are the other skills required in achieving self improvement. These can not be emphasised enough as they have a huge impact on your success. Results can only be seen when you stick to them and they help you stay motivated as well. Identifying self defeating behaviours like doubting your own ability to achieve, the "I can not do this or this is for the rich" and addressing them permanently is also important. Rewarding yourself is also important when you have achieved even the simplest of your set goals. It will help you stay motivated.
It is worth noting also that self improvement is not an overnight thing but a process as already stated so stick with it, be faithful to yourself and remember, it is alright to slide back a bit. As long as you realise that you are falling behind and pick yourself up again, you will be able to achieve your goal of self improvement.
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