Self Help Techniques to Improve Communication

An ability to communicate with others is essential in every aspect of our lives, but is something that many of us struggle with. Here are a few tips to better communication.
We start to communicate with others from birth, babies cry as it is the only way they can let their parent know that they are hungry, need changing etc. The next stage is body language; such as arms stretched out to be picked up or cuddled and the waving of a cup to indicate thirst. By about the age of two, speech has taken over and this is the main method of communication we will sue for the rest of our lives.
Unfortunately, should you be one of those unlucky enough to suffer from chronic shyness, communication skills all but break down. We don`t speak unless spoken to and our views generally go unaired as we are simply too scared to speak out. This has the knock on effect that we are basically ignored and disappear into the crowd, giving way to feeling of great anger and frustration at not being able to make our feelings or opinions known.
This continues with us into adulthood, so we struggle with job interviews and forming relationships, particularly with the opposite sex. If you life has been blighted by this chronic inability to make yourself heard, don`t despair, these self help techniques can be used at any age to completely transform your life.
Improve your self confidence and belief in what you have to say and your communication skills will fall into place. Write down what you want to say and practice first on front of a mirror and then with family and friends. The key is to talk about things that you know to be true, or about hobbies and pastimes that you are knowledgeable about. Join in with chats and forums online, this is a great place to start to improving your communication. The more you pour out your feeling and thoughts to a receptive audience, the more your confidence will increase.
If you are having a large group discussion, don`t try and butt in as you will mistake the fact that they haven`t heard you for being ignored. Wait for a pause and speak up clearly, you will have had time to listen and prepare what you have to stay. Keep it simple and relevant and you will realize that people are listening, which will improve your confidence no end.
Getting back to the internet, there are many groups and forums where you can chat to people in exactly the same situation as yourself; bright intelligent individuals who are unable to express themselves. Chatting online and making new friends and swapping hints and tips will do you the world of good. So will joining groups relating to your hobbies and pastimes.
A lack of confidence and self esteem can have a debilitating effect on your life if you let it, so it`s time to stop it now. Try some or all of these ideas and you will find that a whole new world is opening up to you. You ARE an interesting person, and its time for everyone to realise that!

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