Self Help Techniques to Improve Communication

An ability to communicate with others is essential in every aspect of our lives, but is something that many of us struggle with. Here are a few tips to better communication.
We start to communicate with others from birth, babies cry as it is the only way they can let their parent know that they are hungry, need changing etc. The next stage is body language; such as arms stretched out to be picked up or cuddled and the waving of a cup to indicate thirst. By about the age of two, speech has taken over and this is the main method of communication we will sue for the rest of our lives.
Unfortunately, should you be one of those unlucky enough to suffer from chronic shyness, communication skills all but break down. We don`t speak unless spoken to and our views generally go unaired as we are simply too scared to speak out. This has the knock on effect that we are basically ignored and disappear into the crowd, giving way to feeling of great anger and frustration at not being able to make our feelings or opinions known.
This continues with us into adulthood, so we struggle with job interviews and forming relationships, particularly with the opposite sex. If you life has been blighted by this chronic inability to make yourself heard, don`t despair, these self help techniques can be used at any age to completely transform your life.
Improve your self confidence and belief in what you have to say and your communication skills will fall into place. Write down what you want to say and practice first on front of a mirror and then with family and friends. The key is to talk about things that you know to be true, or about hobbies and pastimes that you are knowledgeable about. Join in with chats and forums online, this is a great place to start to improving your communication. The more you pour out your feeling and thoughts to a receptive audience, the more your confidence will increase.
If you are having a large group discussion, don`t try and butt in as you will mistake the fact that they haven`t heard you for being ignored. Wait for a pause and speak up clearly, you will have had time to listen and prepare what you have to stay. Keep it simple and relevant and you will realize that people are listening, which will improve your confidence no end.
Getting back to the internet, there are many groups and forums where you can chat to people in exactly the same situation as yourself; bright intelligent individuals who are unable to express themselves. Chatting online and making new friends and swapping hints and tips will do you the world of good. So will joining groups relating to your hobbies and pastimes.
A lack of confidence and self esteem can have a debilitating effect on your life if you let it, so it`s time to stop it now. Try some or all of these ideas and you will find that a whole new world is opening up to you. You ARE an interesting person, and its time for everyone to realise that!

Self Improvement - Where to Start

Self improvement is a process, whose stimulus is usually past failure, an unwanted experience like living from one pay cheque to another with no extra money to spend, bad lifestyles like being overweight, lack of self confidence or gambling, loss of a loved one, or an end to a relationship. The result is an improvement of your life, taking control, getting your life back to normal or creating the future you want. To put it in another way, getting the best out of yourself.
In order for someone to help themselves improve, they must first of all identify areas that need improvement in their lives, health, relationships, prosperity or whatever. There is also need to understand who they are, their capabilities, weaknesses and uniqueness and be honest about it. It will be useful to state these in writing and regularly refer to them so they remain focused.
Another important area to point out is for them to identify how they think they will be able to achieve their goal. So, a written action plan should then be put in place. This is achieved by self enrichment of their mind, character and attitude. It requires effort, patience, perseverance and commitment and this change does not come easily. Self-improvement e-books, home training programmes or life coaches are available online if one thinks they really need someone to help support them.
Self enrichment of mind, character and attitude are done by continuously exercising your mind with positive thinking. This is when one repeatedly tells themselves that they are just as good as anyone, can get better and can achieve anything in life. While this sounds easy, is the most difficult and yet a very important part of self improvement. This is so because of the way we have been raised, who we are, our values and beliefs. It is also the constant conflict with the subconscious mind that needs to be kept in check if one is going to achieve their goal of self improvement.
Another important area is goal setting. It is necessary that you start with short term, simple, easily achievable goals, possibly in a day, before you set big goals that will take you a while to achieve. Setting huge goals that take a while to see results usually bring in procrastination. To stay motivated, it is necessary that you set simple goals first.
Setting a routine and self discipline are the other skills required in achieving self improvement. These can not be emphasised enough as they have a huge impact on your success. Results can only be seen when you stick to them and they help you stay motivated as well. Identifying self defeating behaviours like doubting your own ability to achieve, the "I can not do this or this is for the rich" and addressing them permanently is also important. Rewarding yourself is also important when you have achieved even the simplest of your set goals. It will help you stay motivated.
It is worth noting also that self improvement is not an overnight thing but a process as already stated so stick with it, be faithful to yourself and remember, it is alright to slide back a bit. As long as you realise that you are falling behind and pick yourself up again, you will be able to achieve your goal of self improvement.

To Be Successful in Life, Stop Learning From Mistakes

All of us want to be successful, but HOW is the question.
If we want to be successful then we should ignore this saying that states "LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES". The truth is if you keep learning from your mistakes, YOU WILL REMAIN A FAILURE. When you are trying to learn from mistakes, what are you focused on? It's quite obvious - FAILURES. How can we derive Success, when you are always thinking of failures and attracting thoughts related to failures?
I wonder when people say learn from your failures, how can you look at BAT and keep thinking of CAT, is that possible? NO! But we hear everyone saying to learn from failures, while doing so most of the time your mind keeps criticizing you for the mistakes you have done making your mind sick and body weak. Frankly speaking if you have to move forward then stop that thought. Tell me honestly when you think of failures do you feel charged or depressed? 100% depressed then in that case how can you move ahead positively when your mind is working in opposite direction. Mind is not like a train where you can place the engine on the back facing reverse and push the compartments forward. How can you move forward with your eyes on the back focussing on reverse direction, Impossible isn't it? You are looking at failures and asked to think of success.
The conclusion is that, if you want to move ahead just look at failures and tell yourself sarcastically "Man, how can I do such a foolish thing?" Leave it there, that's it. Your past failures are not the right kind of companions to carry with you. They will only drown and pull you down. The thoughts that we carry should be the ones that will wake up and make us act. Imagine you are running a 100 meters race and before starting the race, at the last moment if you visualize about you past race in which you failed then what could be your present performance instead if you visualize about a race that you won in your past and then start running in this, automatically your mind and body gets charged, Right?
So everybody who is reading this article and convincing yourself to learn from failures, I wish you "HAPPY FAILURE" and sad learning or stand tall to accept and say NO to failures even in thoughts, move ahead and stop thinking of what you lost, just think of what you want.
Santhosh K Nair

The 5 Good Questions About Self Improvement?

  • What is self improvement?

    • Self improvement is a choice, and we choose to change ourselves from within.

    • Self improvement is to become responsible of what we do, what we have and who we are.

    • Self improvement helps us to build our self esteem, our values and it takes discipline.

    • Self improvement is to take the needed power and control into your own hands to create the future you want.

    • Self improvement is a battle, a continuous struggle to transcend our weaknesses and limtations.It starts with knowing ourselves and having an aspiration of having a better life.
      On the battle field we need to carry appropriate luggage and armor. Choose a bullet-proof armor and this is self change. Self change is about changing our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.

    • Self improvement is improvement of one's mind, character and health.

    • Self improvement is not a rigid science. Many ingredients can be blended to produce a variety of self improvement dishes. Some random occurrences coming along the course of our life such as painful life (loss of job, loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a natural disaster destroying all your possessions) or life threatening illness can be used to improve ourselves.

    • Self improvement is not just improving your mindset. It also involves improving your body and physical state. The mind and body are intertwined and both affect each other. Therefore, self improvement ideas should focus on both aspects.

  • Who needs self improvement ?
  • Everybody needs self improvement. Every person aspires to have a better, successful and fulfilled life. Self improvement is one of the tools that attains this goal.
    Every person is unique. Each individual has thousands of facets of his life that could or need to be improved.
  • What are the results of self improvement?

  • The results of self improvement is inner stability, personal development, self confidence, self appreciation and self esteem. 
    Knowing that knowledge is power leads people today to increase, in secret their abilities, like acquiring better conversational skills, to get promotion. Each individual must take the reins of his future and control his destiny. 
    Self improvement helps people to achieve his goal or accomplish his vision.

  • What does require self improvement?

  • It requires perseverance, patience, practice, thirst of knowledge and commitment. Just knowing what to do by reading books or attending seminar or listening to tapes will not give any results unless you choose to practice what you learn. Starting to buy or to subscribe to any self improvement program or to talk or to articulate what we should do is just the beginning but the main thing and the real test for us is to commit ourselves to practice what we preach or read. 

  • What are the kinds of self improvement programs?

  • Self improvement involved many aspects of our life such as: 
    - how to boost your self confidence? 
    - how to get rid of depression? 
    - how to realize our goals? 
    - how to get a happy marriage? 
    - how to lose weight? 
    - how to sleep better? 
    - how to improve memory? 
    - how to get wealthy ? 
    - how to manage people? 
    - how to control anxiety attack? 
    - how to speak in public? 
    - how to be a leader? 
    - how to live longer? 
    - how to overcome fear? 
    - how to get charisma? 
    - how to eliminate bad habits? 
    - how to exploit your brain's unlimited power? 
    - how to find true happiness? 
    - how to organize time and space? 
    - how to live an abundant life? 
    - how to have a positive thinking? 
    - how to be a negotiator champion ?

    The Author


    What Are the Benefits of Reading Self Help Books?

    Self help books are sold by the millions each year. Many people enjoy certain titles and certain authors reading them and helping to improve their lives. If you have never read a book like this before, you might wonder what the point of these types of books really is. Learn what some of the benefits there are to reading self help books.
    Many read these books in order to be more motivated. At times when you need to do something in life like meeting a difficult goal, your motivation can fade away. Many of these books will help you stay focused and become more motivated.
    These books give your mind something to think about. At times your mind doesn't have good things to be thinking about. This can lead you to doubting yourself or not thinking the most positive things. When you read a book like this, you will have good concepts to think and reflect on.
    Certain titles can help you with real problems that you are bothered with. You can buy ones to help you with problems that you might be facing. For example, you can get books that will help you become more motivated on how to lose weight or deal with a recent loss.
    Self help books are typically very positive in nature. When you read them, you can get positive thoughts that can help replace the negative ones that you normally might be having.
    In these types of books you can learn some time saving methods that help you get more done in life. Time is something you can never get back so being more efficient is a good thing.
    You can learn valuable advice that can help you out in life. Sometimes you might just get a few lines from each book, but these will stick with you for life.

    Self Improvement - 5 Hot Tips For Self Improvement

    Self improvement is never an accident and never occurs that way but it is the consequence of a deliberate action plan undertaken. It is imperative to understand from the onset that the reason most people stop growing is because they make the choice to not to grow and thereby putting their quest for personal growth and self improvement on the back burner so to speak.
    Dr. John C. Maxwell said, "Self-development is a higher calling; it is the development of your potential so that you can attain the purpose for which you were created." Self-improvement therefore, begins with your spirit, your mind, as you consistently acquire new information and discard the ones that are obsolete that no longer serve your purpose.
    Self improvement tips are necessary for each person in order for them to recognize the areas in which they need to improve, especially with somebody who likes to do things properly who does not see himself or herself as having any faults or deficiencies. These self improvement tips will become more significant if you take massive action in applying them. Here are 5 Hot Tips for Self Improvement that you can start implementing today.
    Identify Areas you intend to improve: The self improvement program you develop for yourself should contain all of the areas you have identified as your weakness to be improved on. This is one of the most important self improvement tips that you must learn is to identify that you are not infallible and that there is always room for improvement. The detailing of this information and the implementation of a program of improvement should allow for a better understanding of these areas in need of improvement
    Identify Limiting beliefs: Identifying and getting rid of limiting beliefs is critical to your self improvement and to your overall self development. Most people have sabotage their progress by their negative belief systems. It is also known to have literally affected their self esteem and confidence. Consequently, your self improvement plan must include dismantling these limiting beliefs to improve ones life. These teachings and self improvement tips enable you to make rapid changes in your life simply by changing your negative beliefs system and transforming it into creative opportunities.
    Associate with positive people: This is of utmost importance if you will achieve your goals and objectives. There will always be temporary detour in your life and things will not move in the direction you anticipated. It will be very helpful to have positive people around you that will encourage and motivate you to do what you need to do to change your life and move you in the direction of your anticipated goals. These individual have a way of robbing off on you.
    Evaluate your life: This self improvement tip is important so that you can ascertain what is working and what is not. There are times when you tend to focus on the things that you have done wrong. But contrary to doing that, you should instead focus on the things you did right so as to enable you focus on doing those things again and that are congruent to your core values and this enhances your self improvement.
    Develop the right way of thinking: The right way of thinking is of immense importance in your self improvement plan because a positive mindset will make all the difference in the end. We are sum total of our thoughts, that is you are a product of your thoughts. To change your world, you have to develop the right way of thinking.
    Self improvement is gaining to a greater extent importance because it enables people to create a good notion about themselves and redesign the life they were born to live.

    Self Improvement Requires Faith and Persistence

    About me, I receive many e-mails from people around the world wanting to make improvements both personally and professionally. And I'll admit, that self improvement does mean different things to different people, but the one thing many people can agree upon is the proactive desire in self improvement in specific aspects of your life.
    Your question is identify various areas of your life that need improvement in, and to develop a smart goals map in getting there. Self improvement is a life-long process. As human beings, we are all marred by sin. Don't worry, this is not a sermon on the mount, or dissertation on theology 101 for you agnostics or anti God people.
    But I do have enough experience approaching 11 years of helping private industry and private individuals in setting goals and from my experience, believe one of the many reasons people suffer through failures in their lives, is not having the trusting faith in God, and in their God given abilities in pursuing your life dreams.
    Hope and Faith
    Where is your hope and faith in life? As a Christian believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior, I believe completely in the power of prayer that only God Almighty is able to provide. Life is tough enough and a challenge on good days, and my hope and faith in God above is able to overcome any obstacle that the world brings my way, including areas of self improvement.
    If you're struggling with self improvement in your own life, ask God in your prayers in helping you in these specific areas that you need help in overcoming. Ask Him how to meditate to Him, in helping you in yourself improvement pursuits in life. If everything else you've tried in self improvement has not worked, you have everything to gain including your eternal salvation, in trusting in God in helping you to overcome obstacles and challenges in your life.
    God wants nothing but successful relationships with all God's children. If you want to know the secret in how to succeed in your life, put God first in your life...
    Develop a Positive Attitude Mindset
    You have heard the statement in health circles; "you are what you eat.", with respect to nutritional health for people trying to live more healthier lives. Well the same is even more true about your mental outlook on life. Just as it is true you are what you put into your mouth and your body regarding food intake, you are what you think, what you allow to penetrate your mind.
    This is not an indictment on your positive attitude or lack thereof, only to challenge you into examining your attitude. Do you genuinely think of positive uplifting thoughts to influence your mind and your day, or do you lack the required positive thinking mindset needed for self improvement and accomplishing your life goals? Pray and ask God to help you in this area if your attitude needs adjustment.
    Develop the Self Motivation and Self Discipline
    Knowledge is Power, but unless you apply the knowledge, you are just wasting time and submitting to procrastination. Where is your self motivation and your self discipline which is required? Only by putting your faith into action, by harnessing the self discipline and having the self motivation in self improvement can you make improvements in these areas of your life.
    Self Improvement Means Being Accountable to You
    I can be your mentor and your life coach in pointing you in the right direction, providing you a road map for your career goals, your business goals pursuits, or even your entrepreneurship aspirations in your life, but eventually, you need to sit be hind the wheel and drive the car yourself.
    Develop a plan of what you need to do improve upon now. Don't allow your fear of failure or uncertainty keep you on the sidelines of life. You are both your greatest ally and arch nemesis, but it is only you who decides which one will rule. Your life is waiting...

    Self Improvement Equals Happiness

    Happiness is something that everyone wants in life. Think about the goals and dreams you have. The main reason why you want those things is because you believe that it will make you happy. The truth is that those things can only give you a feeling and that is exactly what we are all after, a feeling. When we accomplish goals, we feel like we are bettering ourselves. When we feel like we are growing as a person, we will feel happier than when we are staying the same declining in growth.
    Self improvement can help you increase your happiness. The way it can do this is because it's all about improving yourself. When you look at what aspects of your life makes you happy and which ones don't make you all that happy, you can see what areas needs to be improved upon. Let's say you are very successful financially but your relationship is in the gutter. By working on improving that aspect of your life, you will also be increasing your happiness. Let's look at another example. If your body is in excellent condition and you have a great relationship but financially, you are broke, it can cause your happiness to suffer a bit. By working on improving that aspect, again, you can increase your happiness.
    When it comes down to it, you need a balance in all areas of your life. When we focus on one aspect of our life, other aspects will tend to decline. The person who spends 16 hours working on his business will have little time for his loved ones for example. Although certain areas of your life could decline as you put your focus on improving a different area, you are still improving your life overall because the decline that you will see most likely won't be as bad as where it was before you worked on it.
    The key here is to find out which area of your life is most important to you. Which area is the second most important and so on. By putting the different areas of your life in order of importance, you can decide where your focus should be. Now for some people, they need all areas of their life to be in peak condition. Although this is difficult, it can be done with a little planning and time. Self improvement as a whole is something that you want to get serious with if you ever want to be truly happy.
    Kelly T. contributes to a motivational website that provides tools and resources such as motivational videos, quotes, songs, posters, self improvement articles, and much more to help people achieve their goals.

    Tips for Self Improvement

    They say there is no better way to help himself, and this leads to the question of what is the improvement? Also known as self-help, self-improvement refers to the things you can do to improve your life. You know your weakness and try to work on them. This may be your attitude towards life and others, the physical perspective or emotional health. By improving yourself, you will have the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. Learn some tips that you can use to do better.

    Tip # 1: Start the day

    Start your day with a positive attitude can help maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. You have to make a rule to start the day positively. Get up early and do something constructive, like jogging or mediation before going to work or school. If you are a student, you can get up early to study when your mind is fresh. So you have your first response to what is self-improvement, to a good start!

    Tip # 2: Have a positive attitude

    There is a saying that when you start to think positively you will begin to see positive results in your life. It is true that what we think we are. Try to find something positive about every situation, even if it seems impossible. Instead of cursing and blaming others, because we have a car, God, thank you that you have the legs to walk to work. Instead of complaining that we do not live in a mansion, what would you say thanks to our families to provide a roof over our heads? Appreciate the little things in life is the key to achieve great slimming.

    Tip # 3: Keep positive company

    The company will continue to play a key role in our thoughts. If you are still in the company of people who always complain and complain that they can become like them. No wonder that \"birds of a feather flock together\" El said. So you need to control your business at any time.

    Tip # 4: has goals

    You must know what you want to achieve in order to help. We need to set realistic goals, especially when it comes to our financial situation. Once you have your goals, you will work hard and be disciplined to achieve them. Additionally, you can motivate by rewarding their efforts.

    Tip # 5: Take a break

    Being a workaholic is not a bad thing, but it's good to take a break from time to time. This will give your body time to relax so when you return to work, have a clear mind. You can take breaks between sessions and have a conversation with your colleagues. Otherwise, you can go for a short stay in a weekend.

    Tip # 6: overcome your fears

    The worst thing you can do for yourself is to not do something because you're afraid. True, to overcome their fears defines a platform for success. Once you have overcome your fears, you will not stop.

    Tip # 7: give to others

    Those who give to others always receive. Give not always be in the form of money. We can be kind to our colleagues, others smile and praise when they do a good job. You will be amazed at how people can change and be ready to help when showing the love.

    Tip # 8: Always learn from your past

    There is no better answer to what is self improvement and how to achieve this by learning from our past mistakes. A man who does not let his past experiences discourage you a better chance of improving that whoever gives up after the first trial. This is because when you do something repeatedly, you will know what to avoid and what to do next time and that creates opportunities for improvement. Therefore, we can say that the best way to help is not to repeat past mistakes.

    You have to make a decision to change and work to change their situation to be a better person. Now you have the answer to the question "What is personal growth?"

    Learn How To Ask

    One of the most important qualities and needs effective leadership is the development and maintenance of the capacity and the will to do. You can not be a leader without major questions on any matter that may affect the decisions you must make. Not one person ever has all the answers, and therefore, is a true leader to assess what is and what should be, and acquire all the answers you need to confirm your starting address and let him realize that there may be a need to review what is happening and why. This means that our great leaders have to ask the right questions to ask for what they need (also known as ask for the sale), out of your comfort zone, wondering if it could even be uncomfortable and completely effective listening and then ask necessary follow-up questions.

    1. What I mean by asking the right questions? How can a leader knows what to ask, and why? You start to worry about the organization, and have a genuine empathy with all stakeholders. By understanding what is going on and have a clear idea of www they feel is necessary, is placed in the best possible position to be more effective.

    Two. Once the questions are actually asked and then answered in a meaningful way, a true leader must determine what is needed, and this plan of action should be followed. This is analogous to the direction to the stage when someone in a sales position done a fabulous job of understanding the needs, communicates, comes with a viable solution, but never ask for the sale. In both sales and leadership, the process is significant only when the person solicits the sale by the end results. One way that can be done, for example, leadership, IE something like: "In light of what you said, and this action plan should lead us in the direction required, not be meaningful to you to become more involved today? There is? "After waiting for an acknowledgment, the next step should be suggesting one position to another person, that would be involved, and seek approval and confirmation.

    Three. Many leaders say they are struggling to do so because they do not feel comfortable with this approach. My answer to these people is that true leaders are continually expanding your comfort zone and do what it takes to make things!

    April. First, a leader must really listen, and then you have to ask others to "invest" in your plan and approach. Nothing is done without this request.

    Lead, which is almost always a process. Meaningful and effective leaders always learn how to do, what to do, and do what needs to be done.

    How to Improve Your Perseverance

    You are totally own expressed? 
    It is not always easy to know exactly what he thinks. You want, you really want, and then ... There is great but you stopped. And then there are those moments where you say exactly what you mean, and it turns out to be right, with disastrous consequences. So what? 
    Much! Among them: 
    It is very important that you think, say and do, is in complete alignment, otherwise chaos will follow. 
    Remember the times when you wanted to say something witty, significant and affect, only to find yourself saying: "I wanted to, I would have said ..." 
    Then there are times I'd like to get every word out of his mouth, including breaks, commas, and new paragraphs. 
    What causes it? 
    Is it based on fear? 
    Are you afraid of rejection? 
    Are you afraid of approval (with a maximum of the highest level.) 
    Are you driven by the need for "deep" to please other people, including his parents, classmates, friends, colleagues, clients? 
    As an adult, you are always looking for approval and fear that you can not do that if you say the wrong thing? 
    What causes you to speak without thinking! 
    Are you overwhelmed by too much knowledge? 
    Do you feel the need to spit all, no matter the consequences? 
    This judgment of the driving force behind your swing? 
    Will it be "less than" if you do not speak now? 
    Will it be "superior", provided there is a sense of self-importance? 
    The increased awareness of what is happening will help you do something about it. 
    Get clear about the causes will help you identify your estate. 
    Knowing what your estate will help you find the balance between aggressive thoughts and  or passive, speech and behavior. 
    Search knowledge that once identified the problem, which can be edited, processed and maintained. 
    Assertiveness is an essential element to be fully self-expressed. 
    We know there are many alternatives to become authoritarian. 
    Accept the fact that you're not a robot. 
    Start the process where you are, not where you wish you had been. 

    Start by having strong opinions, no matter what the topic is. 
    It's good for your opinions even if they are unpleasant. Owning! 
    Remember opinions are your perception of the facts, and not necessarily the facts, however, anyway. 
    Losing the fear of being wrong! 
    This will help you build your self-esteem. 
    Awareness is everything. Consider the symptoms or withhold, or speak without thinking and analyzing. 
    Identify the real causes. Accepting the reality of it. 
    If it's a psychological problem, talk to a professional. 
    It might even be a physiological problem that makes you think hard what you mean. Talk to your family doctor. 
    Take a course in assertiveness, join a Toastmasters club or hire a coach who specializes in helping people lined up in what they think, say and do. This is crucial. 
    Do all of the above! 
    More importantly, be who you are! As your self-esteem and sense of self-esteem will be a big boost, and you can build from there. 
    The main component to be fully self-expressed is authenticity and transparency, but their own thoughts, opinions, and their way of being. It's what you are!

    Make your Self Improvement Successful

    Application of self improvement tips for your personal growth will lead to a successful career in the future. Any person facing life situations in which it becomes extremely difficult to face realistic challenges. Such situations could be addressed in a better way with the help of techniques designed to improve your personality from a psychological standpoint. The things are considered to be changed as part of the improvement process. psychological experts are known to provide sufficient knowledge to deal with real life problems. It is a type of personalized offer to those who need help.

    Technical information about each process and / or task is necessary for success in life. However, you must consider some factors that are necessary for the organization of his personality perfectly. Basically, you need to develop your communication skills in order to perform a given task without any complexity. During the process, you will encounter a number of difficulties and problems that need to be supported with the help of the concepts of personal growth. Pick up a tip or two from a specialist in order to avoid unnecessary trouble. Know all the specifications before treating a subject that is required as well.

    Improving perception levels also greatly facilitates the process of developing their own personality. First, you must practice meditation centered on the senses. Second, there are experts in psychology suggest doing breathing exercises to help with better focus. Contact a life coach is going to be helpful in this regard will be able to get valuable tips on how to put more emphasis on the goals you have set for yourself. It may be difficult at first to adjust to the techniques you choose, but the results will be satisfactory.

    Valuable comments and eBooks are also available for immediate download that can be considered in due course. Several interesting tips and techniques will be covered by this kind of stuff online. The application will be easy for all of you also follow up. If you lead a busy life, it is recommended to create a schedule with respect to the ways in which you can achieve your goals. Needs situation will determine the type of approach to be taken regarding personal assistance. Through the latest techniques for improving online self allows you to live your life in an ideal manner.

    Effective support programs should focus on all aspects of his life. To change your life, you must develop a global support and a plan of self-improvement, which covers the aspects of your life such as health, wealth and relationships.

    how to feel comfortable at work

    It's no secret that more and more of us are stressed, overworked and burned when we are at work. However, until we can leave our work and live our dream lives on the beach, we are stuck in the position of our cabins every day. So how do you make the best of the situation and try to relax during one of the most stressful is your day? Here is a list of strategies to help you relax while you are at work.
    Set the tone for the day when you wake up. Even before getting out of bed in the morning, take 10 seconds and remember in your mind (or out loud) "Today is a great day." It may seem silly at first, but only the intention that you will have a good day can help focus your thoughts on positive things instead of negative things that happen throughout your workday.

    Turn on the player. As you drive to try to disable the morning news and anxiety instead of listening to your favorite music without advertising. Listen to music that relaxes and stimulates you start your working day right! Start a morning ritual.

    Establish a relaxing routine when you get to work every day. Consider a routine to start the computer, sipping a cup of coffee or tea and settle into your email, read or easy task at ease in their day, instead of starting the fire.

     Post funny pictures. Keep happy or funny pictures of your family or friends on your desk or near your phone to remind you that even when you are stressed, not last. Soon you'll be home and enjoy your time with family and friends. Move.

    Sitting in an office uncomfortable not only damage the spine and health, but also may allow the spread uncomfortable emotions. If you feel stressed, get up and move, make a point to go to another area of ​​the office or up and down the stairs to let off steam. Remember to breathe. Keep a budget or a sticky note to remind about breathing when stressed.

    When you focus on the breath you are able to calm the nervous system, relax your breathing and reduce the harmful effects of stress on the body. Make allies. Share your desire to reduce your stress with trusted colleagues and encourage each other to relax and take breaks during the day. Use your allies to call when they see you are overwhelmed by stress.

    Take a break. Whenever possible, take your breaks and lunch as authorized to take a moment to relax and escape a stressful part of the drama.

    Journal. Keep a diary or a private journal. When you are having a bad day or experiencing a conflict to use the newspaper to express their thoughts.

    Then, using a different color pen, thoughts revolve around being positive and improve their skills. Laugh. BD position in the office, leave inspiring quotes on the desks of people laugh and all that is annoying, frustrating or challenging. When we laugh, naturally, we are releasing tension in the body and mind.

    The best way to success

    Success requires strategy. There is no substitute for a good map. Anyone can choose to succeed. Make a decision and take a plane. Throughout this article, there are different ways in which the plan can be mapped out, so you can be successful too. Remember that there is an innate ability that makes people successful.

    Now go to the routine. I will choose an example of something that someone wants to succeed. Say it is fixing your current relationship. For this map we will have to answer some different and difficult questions. You should know where you are to go ahead.

    -What has been negative in my relationship? You must be honest. Here are some examples of what a person might say.

    1. We do not communicate well at the moment
    Two. We can not stand being in the same room
    Three. The bills are destroying us

    There may be more. Now we know what we have to work. You can do this individually or as a couple if you wish.

    We established a map for the person in this position may be blue to work on fixing the relationship to be a success. The first problem was communication. Think about the different ways that have been reported. Note the positive and negative You have been using technical communication. A person can say that they are mostly arguing, fighting and not communicated anything negative. The positive can be when we joked I love your smile, when you bring flowers we hugged and kissed, and when we are holding hands are quiet.

    A tool used for changing communication around would be to change the negative into positive. Arguing You have to hold hands. Fight should never get out of hand and if it seems that you've done something wrong. Do not worry if your partner has done nothing. If you can change it around saying something like: "Oh man, I'm being a blind idiot not understand." Not always have to be negative about you, either because that's not good. Just realize that for some reason is not so much listening. State aloud why not listen to help your partner understand what you're thinking. The end is not communicating. This can be solved simply with the promise that they will always communicate, even if it means a little more to group communication for a while you get used to it. Does this work for the second big problem too.

    The third major problem with the bills is one of the most difficult to pass. The plan that I will use for this example starts once again, know where you are. Take everything you owe and add up. Once you have a handle on this movement to the next step. In this case the snowball effect. Do not forget to pay yourself first. If you can treat 10% of what you are to bring into savings of some kind. My wife and I started this using a safe that does not connect to our bank accounts to be easier. Once entered never left unless there is an emergency. Emergency means a visit to the hospital group is not a new video game or tires for your car.

    After doing the dissertation sure you all are making minimum payments. For card debt or start paying more than the minimum. Do whatever you can afford anyway. Once that is paid off you would then roll everything the minimum payment on the extra you have been using in your next debt. There are some good debt and bad debt. I would get rid of the bad news first, so you can repair or correct the financial situation. If you do this and address it easy this can reduce, if not completely, get rid of the fights you have been having.

    Planning is an important part of any form of success. In this case it was a couple who needed help. Comments another example Make it a business you want to get off the ground or save. There are any number of examples that a person can use this information.

    The best way to sucess using social dynamics

    There is a fine line between success and failure, it is possible to achieve success in failure. This fine line is easy to cross without noticing. Being successful is not always the hardest part, but still a success, lies the difficulty. Understanding the social dynamics go a long way in ensuring that you do not cross success to failure.

    Social dynamics helps to determine the right time to show the enthusiasm, the right person to show it to the right place and the right way of putting it. A better understanding of these dynamics will help in companies where it is difficult to predict the success or failure - Companies, such as trade and politics.

    Writers, directors and artists alike must understand the social understanding to define their products and become a great success. Social dynamics is not at hand in the business, but it can be a very important tool to make a relationship work. Relationships work or personal relationships, the right to use the social dynamics makes a difference.

    Even among those who are involved in sports, social dynamics helps to achieve success. When the training group, the athletes will interact with other group members. We interact with other group members. The group must know when to speak, when not to talk and when not to speak. You should know how to interact with all members, and when someone does not want to talk to him.

    With proper application of social dynamics to become a member of the group as a whole. Without the group leader can become a focal point for the group, a person that others can use. What are the social dynamics of group training? Does it produce a better result for the athlete when he or she is trained to himself / herself? The truth is that the higher the number, the better the result. It is also true that the working group will also have the opportunity to make a person feel inadequate and stupid, especially if there are people in the group that looks down into one.

    Humans are social beings, we tend to find what makes us feel full. Neither can exist in isolation. We learn to be more comfortable when working with faces that are familiar. Likely to be positively influenced by a group is greater than that of being a negative influence. Create a place for competition is a necessary tool for success. However, if you are the best in the group, you realize that you will not grow. It is preferable that you work with people who are better than you, it gives you room to grow. The social dynamics of working in or with a group is not easy. For best results, we will force them to merge with the right people in the group. The formation of groups that sometimes in groups to avoid is causing more harm than good in a group.

    How to Be More Positive

    We all need to learn how to be more positive. Negative thoughts weight you down and make it difficult to get things done. Above all, we need to shut down the negative thoughts and words about our self. What you think and say is actually a self fulfilling prophecy about the future. Quit thinking that "I can't do it." Think, "I can do it." Quit thinking like a victim.Think like e a victor.

    Learn to be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for your house, your family, your job and everything you can think about. Learn to visualize a bright future. Negative thoughts are often unrealistic. They hinder going forward toward your goal. Positive thoughts ignite your passion and give you the energy to overcome obstacles. Negative thinking makes' problems seem bigger than they are.

    Fill your mind with positive inspirational quotes, like "Make your mistakes the stepping stones to your success. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I know I can do it. God has given me all that I need to be successful." If you are a Christian you can say, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." You can also keep saying that "I am getting better and better every day."

    One of the best ways to stay positive is to have a balanced life. Work hard while you work, then go home and forget about work so that your mind can be on your family and the things that you enjoy doing. Being with your spouse and kids should be a lift up, not a letdown. Keep things positive and avoid arguments. Being at peace with loved ones is more important than having your own way.

    Another way to be positive is to reprogram the negative thoughts you have had since your childhood. Children have different rules than adults. They are told to stay away from electoral outlets, stove burners, busy streets, and not to talk to strangers. Adults, have the judgment to handle such things. We often have mistaken ideas when children that can hinder us as adults. This often conflicts with adult life.

    Positive thinking can be enhanced with visualization and goals. Visualize what you want to achieve. See yourself as successful and having all you want and need. Imagine the beautiful house you will live in and the sexy car you will ride around in. Imagine how you are going to mow down your obstacles and realize your fondest dream. Feel how close you will become to your spouse.

    Negative attitudes do not solve problems. In Numbers chapter 13 when the spies went to see if they could take the land of Canaan, all but two said that they could not take the land. They all died in the wilderness. Joshua and Caleb said they could take the land with God's help. They lived to go into the land and take it. The best way to have a positive attitude is to have a faith in God. He does not make mistakes and nothing is impossible for him.

    The book, "Climbing the Heavenly Stairs," was written to give an understanding of God and his requirements. Say yes to God by clicking on this link.
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    Align Your Life With Values: Understanding Your Why

    "But why?!" This is simple question asked on a regular basis by every 3 and 4 year old I have ever met. It may get old after the umpteenth time, but there is no denying the wisdom in a child's curiosity and inquisitive nature. At what age do we stop asking ourselves why and go to autopilot? Driven by societal norms. In business and in life, it is essential to make time to tap into out inner child and ask our own "why".
    Some people just know at the onset of their working life what kind of work they would be passionate about, the kind of work that would give their life purpose and meaning. When I was a preteen all I dreamed of was working on-camera. There was something about it that I felt drawn to, it lite me up inside but I never believed I could make a living out of it. Maybe you have felt the same about something you have been called to do. Society, family, or circumstances fill your head with all the reasons you can't but Why not? I am now doing what I love, while tapping into the gifts and passion that was always inside me. I've learned to listen to my intuition and try to stay on path focusing on what I do best and my "why" behind it all.
    Some people never listen to that pull inside them and their lives seem as if they're lacking or missing something. Digging deep, reflecting and asking tough questions, can help you find increased meaning and direction in all areas of life.
    Values shape our lives. You all ready have them and you are all ready living them, but if you haven't clearly identified them and have consciously decided which ones are important, it is easy to get lost.
    Buddha said, "All that we are is a result of what we have thought." Lets start by diving into the depths of your thoughts and find to the root of what you truly value.
    Ask your self these questions first:
    Why am I in this job?
    Why did I decide to choose this career or job path (or DID I)?
    What do I have a passion for that brings me true joy and contentment?
    Now that you asked the "why"? Lets determine the "what" or "value" behind the first three.
    What do you value most in life and have you discovered your passion?
    How did you discover it - was it self-apparent or did you discover it by accident?
    What steps do you take to ensure you spend time on your passions and are able to follow your heart?
    It's one thing to recognize the values you posses and an entirely different thing to understand what these values will actually bring to your life. Let's reconstruct your values. Specify important or reoccurring activities in your life, whether they are cultural, spiritual, professional or athletic. This helps you to then identify the values that create congruence between your values and your life. Activities that bring your true joy are big indicators of your values. Where do you feel most connected? This feeling occurs only when your values and life are aligned.
    You have determined what activities are important, this is only half the battle, now take it one step further and identify underlying values. In this reconstruction process, re-framing success in a way that is cohesive with your values is important. If you are able to do that, then you create YOUR OWN DEFINITION OF SUCCESS and set meaningful goals. "When we know what is truly important to us we are able to make choices and decisions that meet our deepest needs and wants because our actions are aligned with our values"
    OK, so I have asked you to reconstruct. You are a clean slate. Reverting back to the values you were raised with. You have hopefully come to understand that these values and activities make you truly happy. Now is the challenge. It is time to live life your life according to the newly clarified values. This means placing an emphasis on and committing to activities, experiences and people, in both your work and personal life that express these values.
    Knowing what matters most will enable us to live a truly happy life. Every person reading this has different priorities and dreams, but discovering what is important to YOU and YOU only is the most valuable tool you can bring into life. We can make more meaningful contributions to our relationships and work, while being completely content with ourselves.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "To be yourself, in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, is the greatest accomplishment."
    Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at

    The Courage to Live

    It takes courage to live. Everybody can exist but to really live is a matter of courage. It takes some special kind of strength to be just plain good; something all of us essentially strive for. We learn to live from several forms of institutions that our society provides. From home, from church, from school, from a place that provides education in one way or the other, or simply life itself.

    Actually, learning seems to form the essence of living. As they say, it is a lifelong process and we are learning life's lessons everyday. To learn is to progress, develop and march forward. Every form of learning actually advocates the good things in life. It teaches us to be good, to do what is good and to live a good life. Whether it is from home, society or an educational institute that we grow our wings, it fundamentally teaches us to grow as a person, and mostly to become an asset to the society and our families as much as it would be, for ourselves.

    While we have several factors such as education, profession, personality, etc that determine our statuses or positions, the true verdict of a human being lies in the way he/she lives his/her life. And this does not just mean the reflection of somebody's life in one single aspect but in a variety of things that he/she does either professionally, socially or personally.

    Real people are hard to come by, because it takes courage to be one of them. It takes courage to be different; to stay away from the crowd and to be alone with truth when the whole world stands against you on the other side. It takes courage to speak your mind; to state with firmness what you feel and not deceive your own thoughts and feelings just to be part of the majority.

    It takes courage to be humble in your dealings; to be genuinely grateful when somebody has helped you; just to say "Thank You" takes courage because a genuine one is hard to come by these days. It takes courage to admit you are at fault; to realize one's mistakes and say "I am sorry". It takes courage to step out of those faults, make amendments and more importantly, not repeating them again.

    It takes courage to take the road less travelled. To do something after your heart, maybe a dream or an ambition, to labour and earn real money when everybody else is taking the easy road, to be polite, to show a little courtesy, not only because the other person you are dealing with is your boss or a senior but because he/she is also a human being just like you. It takes courage to be kind; to say things politely and make somebody's day because that is really more fulfilling than most things in life.

    It takes courage to give up a bad habit; perhaps to quit smoking, tobacco or alcohol, to even come out of these bad habits and lead an exemplary life.

    In this age filled with greed, money and corruption, it also takes real courage to say no to bribery; to stand for honesty, truth and justice. It takes courage to be real people. To be people who earn their respect effortlessly, which, they do not really care about but the respect they earn by simply living their lives in unconscious ways. Only because they have the courage to live; to be different and to be their unique selves.
    Rita Krocha is Poet, Newspaper Columnist & a Journalist by profession. She is the author of "A Bucket of Rain" and co-author of 'Echoes of Spring'. Her poems and articles have appeared in several newspapers and magazines. She lives in Kohima.

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    Four Ways to Improve Your Self Esteem

    Self esteem describes how we feel about ourselves .Our self esteem or sense of self worth is normally based on our perception of our abilities and how we believe other people accept and value us as individuals. Self esteem affects our confidence and how we behave and function in life. It is our internal belief system that stems from our life experience and relationships and how we have interpreted them. We automatically find ourselves accepting those beliefs and they feel like 'reality' to us. We can improve our sense of self esteem by changing those beliefs, and in doing so will increase our confidence, and our enjoyment in living.
    Here are some proven ways to increase your self esteem:
    1. Accept Who You Are, Warts and All
    Learn to accept and be comfortable with who you are. Become content in your own skin. We are so often far more critical of ourselves than we are of others. Our self imposed standards can be self sabotaging. You are not perfect, and no matter how hard you try, you will never become perfect. You are unique. You have a unique combination of personality, life background and experiences, strengths and weaknesses. One size does not fit all. Stop comparing yourself with others, and trying to live up to the expectations of what other people think you should be like. This is a self defeating response and will only lead to discouragement and negative self image rather than self acceptance.

    2. Give Yourself Permission to Make Mistakes
    To make mistakes is a natural part of learning and self improvement. Everyone makes mistakes; it is a normal part of life. We all go through negative and embarrassing experiences. Success and personal development comes, not through going through experiences, but learning from them and becoming experienced. Your attitude to mistakes and failures has far more power for personal growth than the experiences themselves. Accept that making mistakes will always be part of your life, learn from them. Failure is sometimes unavoidable, however it is not a reflection of who you are as a person, but merely a consequence of a choice or and action that was made. Do not give it unnecessary negative power in your life and future.

    3. Remember You Always Have A Choice As To How You Will Respond Or React.
    No matter what the situation or circumstance you always have a choice as to how you will respond to it.
    Eleanor Roosevelt once said,
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
    This is so true. We may only have a few seconds to choose how we will react to a negative situation or comment, but we still have the choice to embrace, or reject its potential power over us. No one can have power over you unless you give them permission.

    4. Look At Your Fears From A Different Perspective.
    You are not alone in feeling fear. We all have the ability to scare ourselves into inaction. Learn to look at your fear from another perspective. Our body is unable to tell the difference between a real event and an imaginary event, and so we experience intense feelings of fear and self protection. Sometimes this fear originates from what we imagine may happen. If this is the case, our fear is not based on a real event.
    Whenever we step outside of our comfort zone we feel fear, this is because our fear is not necessarily based on fact, but unfamiliarity. Stepping out of our comfort zone, however, is an important part of our personal development and growth, and the fear we experience is not necessarily an indication of impending personal danger. Visualize what you would like the successful result of an action to look like, rather than focus on the worst case scenario that your imagination would have you believe might happen. Remember you have handled everything that has happened to you in your life so far, and have survived, or you would not be reading this!

    Which one of behaviour patterns describes you the most? Start with that one. Set yourself a goal to choose to respond differently. Watch your self esteem start to grow and positively change your life.
    Barbara White of Beyond Better Development, loves to motivate and empower others towards excellence in their personal and professional development. To read more articles on self esteem or visit her blog for more information on how to Build Self Esteem 

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    Self-Help Tips - Why Are People Resistant to Change?

    Many people who have been involved in any type of personal growth or self development work and have subsequently sensed a real change in their inner world, will often forget the real difficulty and fear involved in doing any type of work that necessitates change.

    People approaching self-development or self-help work will most likely do so because of some type of difficulty or major life trauma that has challenged them in a way that they find difficult to cope with. This will quite often initially lead to a sense of minor or major panic, hopefully followed by a realisation that actually there is a huge amount they can do to change their inner world and subsequently change their outer world.
    This is perhaps one of the most significant and important realisations that someone could ever have. The fact that how people behave in their external world is effectively a manifestation of what is going on in their inner world. This is quite a difficult and often painful life lesson that people learn over a period of time in quite difficult circumstances.

    One of the many reasons for this is that people realise that it is possible to change external circumstances in life, but have real difficulty believing or understanding that they can change their inner environment, for the better. Many people believe that this is the way I was born, this is the way I am and this is the way I will die. They believe that how they are is almost set in stone, and the idea of changing their attitudes or their outlook on life seems almost incomprehensible to them.

    Another reason people are resistant or unlikely to change is that it often seems easier to try and change situations or other people that are out of your control, rather than trying to change your internal environment, which actually is within your control.

    The way people can change that internal environment can take many forms, ranging from different types of therapy through to prayer and meditation, various types of 12-step programs, inner child work or any of the myriad of self-help programs that are available for people to practice.

    The work of Carl Rogers is well known to anyone involved in the world of therapy or counselling. Perhaps his greatest contribution was his insight into the fact that it is the nature of the therapeutic relationship that creates a sense of safety that allows the person to heal whatever the blocks are that are preventing them from being the person they wish to be. It was this realisation that it is a sense of safety that allows a person to heal that is perhaps most important.

    This is not to say that everyone needs to be in therapy in order to heal. It does mean that in order for someone to heal they need to have a sense of safety in their lives that will initiate and facilitate the change they desire.

    How a person achieves this sense of safety can take many forms, being in therapy or counselling is one of them. For many people a sense of God and a sense of how they use prayer especially in an internal sense will be how they get there.

    Many people focus on the mechanism of change as being especially important, when in fact it is the safety element that is the key ingredient. Creating an environment where someone feels safe enough to change is key.

    The resistance to change will come either because a person does not feel safe enough to heal their inner child work, or simply because they do feel safe enough as they are not to have to try. This feeling of safety that they have may be an illusion, but if it is strong enough and deep enough, they will hang onto it rather than let go for something that they do not know and cannot trust.

    For this reason trying to force change is always dangerous, except in extreme and dramatic situations. The willingness to change must come from within, and cannot be forced by other people.
    Dramatic life situations may challenge people sufficiently for them to become aware of the need to change, and subsequently make people realise the enormous potential to heal their hurts and give themselves a sense of peace and unity

    Peter Main is a freelance journalist and copywriter who writes extensively about all areas of self growth and self development. He has a particular focus on self help issues for people who are in recovery from or who have been affected by alcoholism and other addictions.Some people begin their journey of recovery and healing in a rehab, others in a twelve step fellowship such as Alcoholics Anonymous, others in a religious or spiritual setting. He has worked in this field for just under thirty years and has extensive experience in many areas of different therapeutic approaches, including counselling, inner child work,meditation, spirituality, adult children work etc
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    Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting - Overcoming Them Is What Makes It Meaningful

    You probably would agree with me that even the most enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic person you know needs some encouragement from time to time. Perhaps this person is you. Even with a sound plan and promising outlook, sometimes life has a way with throwing us curveballs that seem to knock us off our balance.
    Imagine for a moment the rest of this year going exactly as you plan it. Wouldn't it be nice if for the next 230 days you didn't have any more difficulties? Would you appreciate the sunny days if it didn't rain until next year? If the change of seasons weren't noticeable would you appreciate the beauty of the new flowers that come forth in the spring or the change of colors in autumn? Is life truly valuable if there are no issues to overcome or obstacles to hurdle over?
    The beauty of winter is that it allows for rest and reflection. We value the spring because it gives us the opportunity to sow seeds that we'll be able to water and nourish throughout the summer. And our attraction to the fall is the reaping of the harvest that we have worked so diligently to achieve. Even though Mother Nature allows us to experience the changes in the season, our personal lives flow in the same way.
    I started my career in sales in 1995 as an insurance agent. I was 20 years old and had just finished my second year of college. During my interview with the sales manager I noticed that he had received hundreds of awards throughout his 30 years as an insurance agent. My curiosity took the best of me and I inquired of what I must do to achieve his same success. His reply was "you must do what I have done to have what I have" I then asked what exactly that would be. "You must put in the time, Anthony", he said. "Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. There is no such thing as overnight success. And if so you better believe that as fast as it came even faster will it disappear."
    Life has its ups and downs. Challenges are bred so that you will appreciate the outcome even more. Challenges are as unto a woman giving birth. For nine months she experiences the seasons of a life growing inside of her. Without any control from herself her body adheres to the demands that nature places upon it. Whether she in agreement with the process of pregnancy or not, she has no choice but to accept the good and the bad that comes with it. Suddenly the moment arrives when the baby is ready to make its entrance into the world. All that the baby has known for nine months has come to an end even if the child prefers to stay inside his mother's womb.
    Through all the pain and agony of child-birth the mother is forced to continue with the act of Mother Nature. Suddenly after all that both she and the baby has gone through to bring forth a new life into this world, all the labor and pain is overshadowed by the manifestation of the gift that lays across her breast being held and loved unconditionally. And even more miraculous is that while the mother "suffered' through nine months to bring this baby into reality, shortly afterwards many women want to go through this process again and again to have more children.
    Overcoming obstacles is what makes life meaningful... and it makes life worthwhile and enjoyable. The harvest is always 100 times more than the seed sown. When you are holding the seed of your dreams in your hand please understand that the manifestation of all that is to come is imbedded in the seed. It is impossible to spring forth life at harvest time if you never endure the pain and agony during the times when fulfilling your dreams and goals seems far too difficult to achieve.
    Dream BIG, plan, get excited, and take action now... for the world is waiting to cheer your success!
    P.s Do me a favor and visit to order your copy of "L.I.F.E. Intentional, Living In Fullness Everyday" and read the highly entertaining and inspirational stories of how I faced life's challenges and overcame obstacles... and how you can too! Like my Facebook page Follow me on Twitter @Lifeintentional

    Positive Attitude: How To Change Your Modus Operandi and Gain A Successful and Healthier Lifestyle

    Sometimes you wonder whether it is really true when you hear people who are successful in their business tell you that the secret of their success was their positive attitude which they injected in their business. I recently came across a study which was done some years ago in the States which said that having a positive attitude can actually add up 7.5 years to your life. Well the study is actually food for thoughts especially this figure of 7.5 years but I do not really want to dwell on that, but instead reflect on the fact that if you have an optimistic attitude you are actually "adding" some more years to your life.
    Our today's life is one which is thronged with worries and tensions and makes it difficult for us to maintain a positive attitude. How many times have you tried especially during this period to be positive, and the more you try the more it seemed that the negative energy is constantly gaining strength and the upper hand on you. If you are experiencing this, do not worry, it is perfectly alright for you to go through this experience especially if you are feeling low. I have 5 excellent ways which you can use to change your modus operandi and to start being positive and to work towards a healthier and successful lifestyle:
    Happiness Waits For Nobody:
    If you have been waiting for good things to happen to you, then you must by now have realized that it is just a waiting game. You need to start working towards happiness. Start today by creating a happy environment around you and remain happy tomorrow. This is how you begin to adopt a positive attitude; this is when life becomes a rewarding game instead of being a challenge that you have to get through.
    Have You Prioritized Your Purpose?:
    What is it that you want? What expectations do you have on yourself as a person? What are your manageable goals? Once you are clear of exactly what you what and you know what you expect from yourself, you will see that your future becomes very clear and your set goals become attainable.
    Clarify Your Purpose:
    Are you clear about what is your purpose? This is the point that you need to clarify your purpose, because a purpose is something that you fulfill each moment when you are in balance with your life. Make a positive statement of why you are here and how you want to maintain this positive attitude.
    Visualizing Future:
    Do you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish in your lifetime? Remember for you the sky is the limit, you can become what you think you are and what you see. Create a mental imagine of something happening in future, believe in it and see how your dreams can motivate you to become exactly what you what to be.
    Begin To Be Resilient:
    I learnt how to become resilient as a person with walking disabilities who had an extremely difficult childhood. I faced those setbacks and with perseverance I recovered from them. It was not much later did I learn just how strong a person I am for having faced those life's difficulties and challenges by taking action, rather than sinking down with fear, self-pity, inferiority or even blaming others for what I am.
    Everyday life can be very challenging and the most important step now is to become more resilient and to develop the habit of positive self-talk, constantly remind yourself that you are strong and can grow even stronger and wiser as you handle life's challenges.