Fitness Can Help You With Self Improvement!

Those people who struggle with their weight are the ones who need to learn about self improvement. This is because when people feel they are fat and obese, they are unable to socialize with others and hence restricts their life into a nutshell. Their self confidence and self esteem is really affected due to their physical appearance. They want to be fit and in shape but they are just too depressed and low to do anything in life. Such people are also the ones whose personal and professional lives are also not without issues.
You can REALLY do it!

People who are overweight needs to understand that they can also change the way they look. It just needs a little bit of determination and strong will power and they can easily achieve what they want to. It all depends how badly they want it and how far they can go do achieve it.

Losing weight and considering fitness can boost self confidence and overall self improvement for a person. He would feel that he is able to do a lot of things in life which he thought he would never be able to do ever. Its normal to have some fears and doubts but don't let that effect the quality of life that you want to live.
Fitness and self Improvement for you!

With some exercise or yoga, proper diet with natural nutrition is the best combination to guide you to weight loss. You just have to believe in yourself and get started. You can take help from a trainer or a physician who would provide you with better guidance. Don't lose hope because you are the one who's letting others to laugh at you.

Get up today and decide that you would change your life for good and you would see how things actually change for real.

Humayun Altaf has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website on electric car motor [ ], which reviews and lists the best electric car kits [ ].

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How Do Leaders Sell?

While true leadership begins with having a vital and vibrant vision, they will not be true leaders unless they transform their visions into goals, their goals must inspire them to have important ideas, and then they must proactively plan, communicate these plans, and motivate others to follow and care. In order to achieve and transform their efforts into successful activities and results, they must learn how to overcome concerns and objections by directly taking five steps: 1. Listen, understand and rephrase; 2. Empathize; 3. Fully answer the concern; 4. Recreate the needs; and, 5. Close others on participating and getting further involved. The reality is that a real leader must constantly sell others on his ideas, visions and mostly, on himself.

1. Remember that we have been given two ears but only one mouth for a very important reason! In order to be impactful, we must spend at least twice as much time listening than speaking. That means a leader must remain patient, avoid interrupting, and ask enough probing questions to understand what is actually of concern. Great leaders never assume they know what is meant, but make sure they probe sufficiently to be certain.

2. No one will be motivated by any leader that they do not believe truly cares about them, their organization, and the needs! Merely indicating that one is sorry and sympathetic is often counter - productive, because it usually brings on resentment because of disbelief. Rather, being empathetic lets a leader put himself in someone else's p;ace, and this enhances communication and mutual appreciation.

3. How often has it bothered you when someone in a position of leadership "beats around the bush," avoiding answering your questions or concerns, and merely repeated their standard speech, which is usually composed of generalities, vagueness, and emphasizes rhetoric over substance. A true leader listens attentively and carefully, and then deliberately, clearly, transparently and in detail actually answers the concerns.

4. Once you have convinced those with concerns that you not only care, but also are willing to directly address these, it is necessary to recreate the need. This must be done by combining absolute integrity and empathy, with a willingness to show both the need for the ideas and what doing so will do. Once the need has been recreated, the key fifth component is able to be done, but unless someone first creates the preliminary groundwork, the last step will usually be ineffective.

5. A leader must do what anyone who wants to make a sale would do, and that is close the transaction or sale. In leadership, this is done by asking others for specific actions, involvements, etc., and doing so in a specific manner. The close does not take place unless and until the leader specifically asks for a true commitment of either time, money, energy or other resources, for an important reason, and in a timely manner.

Our greatest leaders are our greatest salesmen. They focus on needs, goals, etc, and bring about effort, motivation and work with constituents to achieve at higher levels for their organization.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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How to Develop Your Personal Self-Improvement Program

No matter what aspects of your life you desire to improve, you can purchase personal development programs to help you achieve your goals. You can buy programs to help you lose weight, gain confidence, make more money or create a balanced life. Unfortunately, these programs can cost an arm and a leg and it can be much more affordable to create your own self improvement plan.

Self improvement is a journey, so before you start on your way you'll need to know your destination. What aspects of your life do you want to change? The best way to succeed at personal transformation is to focus on one thing at a time. You don't need to have totally transformed one area of your life before starting work on another area, but it is helpful to have made significant inroads. This way you can use the power of focus to your advantage and you don't dissipate your energies.

After you have decided on your self improvement goal, it is important to get your bearings on where you are now. If you can honestly evaluate your current circumstances, you will be able to work out the steps to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be. For example, if you want to lose weight, your first step is to weigh yourself and record the information. Continue to weigh yourself at the end of each week and record the result. Over time, you should see the figures decreasing and the weight coming off. These results give you important feedback so you know if your weight loss program is working. The same is true for all forms of self improvement. You need to be able to measure improvement over time so you know if your efforts are bearing fruit.

Once you have decided on your goal, you need to create a plan to help you achieve it. We all generally know the things we need to do to improve our lives, but most of us lack the discipline to follow through consistently on these things. A workable plan can provide the framework for action but you will still need to be disciplined about taking the necessary steps every single day.

The simpler your plan, the better. By taking simple steps consistently towards your goal, you have a much better chance of achieving it than by trying to follow a complicated, demanding plan.

As you move towards your goal, make sure you evaluate your progress. Weekly evaluations can be helpful and guide you to look at areas that might need adjustment. If weekly assessments of progress are too close together, work out your own time frame; just make sure you measure your progress at regular intervals.
A part of this regular evaluation is to work out what actions are working well and what ones need to be adjusted or replaced. By simply monitoring your progress in this way, you will be able to keep on track for achieving your self improvement goal.

Anyone can design their own self improvement program. By simply asking yourself the right questions and writing down your answers you will be able to develop an action plan to move you from where you are now to where you want to be in any area of your life. Your self improvement journey begins with the first step.
Are YOU Ready to Seize Control of Your Life and Progress to Success? It's time for you to live up to your full potential. But the only way that can happen is if you take the first step, and download your free report Personal Development Power Tips so you can discover the top tips for your personal growth.

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The Value Of Self Improvement

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
- Mahatma Gandhi

One of my greatest values is to be life long learner. I love to learn and feel that constantly learning new things is an essential and critically important part of life.

As an entrepreneur of a small business, it's part of your "job" to learn various aspects of your business. Even if you delegate or outsource various parts of your business, it's still your responsibility to know how to be an effective and productive entrepreneur that can lead and direct your company toward its overall goals.
Just like everything else in life that you want success in, you have to learn it.

And even if you're life long learner too, there will always be a place of "we don't know what we don't know." The absolute best thing you can do for yourself is to always work on improving something. This could be from a personal perspective or a business perspective. Since you really can't separate personal and business when it comes to who you are fundamentally, whether you take a personal wellness workshop or a professional development workshop, you are still improving the common denominator in both areas,

So you can't go wrong.
Ask yourself some simple questions:
What have I always wanted to know more about?
What area in my business could use improvement?
How can I learn something that can help others?
If money was not a limiting factor, what would I most like to do?

Question four is my favorite because it opens up possibilities that many people have never considered. I come across quite a few people who limit themselves due to finances therefore they end up trying to fit into a mold that isn't their own and they are not as happy as they would like to be. If you find this to be your situation, I would bet you are more capable of fulfilling your dream than you ever thought. So explore it!
Here's my advice:
Spend 30 minutes every day reading about something new you want to learn or improve upon.
Take a self-fulfillment class. (a.k.a. as self-improvement)

Sign up for a workshop or seminar to improve a specific business skill.
Being a life long learner is a good habit to get in to. What you learn is something that no one can ever take away from you and it will benefit you in every aspect of your life. Happy Learning!

Angelina Campos is the founder of Own Your Ambition, formerly Campos Coaching. Known for her amazing insight and natural knack for understanding, she has the unique ability to help others discover and focus on their untapped potential to create otherwise unimaginable success in business. Visit to schedule an appointment with Angelina.

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Learn Three Self Improvement Tips On Improving Self Confidence

Do you have a desperate need to improve your self confidence? Stay tuned as I share these three self improvement tips on how you can do so.

Every grown man and woman ought to be confident in his or her actions. However, I do know that not everyone may be confident. There could be a number of reasons for this. Some may have had bad experiences in the past and are still holding on to past hurts. Others may be lacking exposure and hence do not know how to be confident in some situations. Whatever the case may be, let us not judge them, but rather, help them to become more confident people in life. Improving self confidence takes time, but if you follow these self improvement tips, you should be on your way to becoming a more confident person.

Firstly, I would like to encourage you to start affirming yourself with positive affirmations. Affirmations can go a long way in life. There are athletes who practice this and today they are one of the top athletes in their sport. You see, success starts with the mind, and positive affirmations are meant to alter your subconscious mind to remove any seeds of doubt that may have taken root there. You in turn replace those negative thoughts with positive ones that build up your belief in yourself.

Improving self confidence also means that you push yourself to doing stuff that you are not quite used to. Get out of your comfort zone and be more proactive. Here are a few examples. Hold the door open for a friend or stranger. Help an elder cross the street. Give some food to the homeless beggar across the street. Plan a family outing. Doing things like these require courage, so you may feel uncomfortable at first, but know that these will build your character and mold you into a more confident person.

Before I end off these self improvement tips, I want you to know that you do not have to please everyone. If you ever feel that you have inferior complex, the reason behind it could be due to the fact that you want to please others. That may be true in some aspects, but you feel inferior even among your friends, just remember that you do not have to please them.

I hope you have learnt something new after reading these self improvement tips. Do remember these points that I have mentioned today and I believe you will become more confident as the days go by.
If you enjoyed these three self improvement tips, do visit It is your number one resource for self improvement tips on improving self confidence, positive affirmations, dealing with inferior complex, and much more!

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Self Improvement in Our Life

Self-Improvement - A Must for Successful Life
Continuous learning is a part of successful life. Learning leads to self-improvement. A life full of experience requires you to have clear and set goals to achieve in life. The words self-improvement, self-development and self-growth have become very common and popular. People now understand that these things can change their quality of life. The most important step in the process of self-improvement is that you see and analyze people how they behave, talk, react, walk and then try to take the best from them and try to inculcate it in your daily life.

A good morning makes up for the whole day. People in today's hectic schedule always miss their breakfast. In your process for self-improvement, make sure that you have a healthy breakfast as it keeps you energetic and keeps you going throughout the day. To make your morning more meaningful, try doing some exercise. If you live in a group or a family, you can include all the members to start the exercise and also have the breakfast together in the morning. This will not only help you in getting a good start in the morning but also open lines of communication between the family and help improve bonding.

A healthy diet is the first requisite of self-improvement. There is a famous saying that "You are what you eat" and is very apt as eating healthy makes you what you are.

Exercise is a very important aspect of self-improvement as it helps you keep healthy and fit. Early morning exercises make you fresh and feel light. There is no need for you to join a gym to start exercising. There are a few exercising equipment available in market which can be used in the comforts of your house. You can buy cycle, dumb bells etc. which will easily adjust in the corner of your house.

The most important factor in self-improvement is following a set goal or schedule every day. To tread the path of self-improvement make a list of things that you want to do in a day. As you keep on completing the set task tick them off from your list. However, make it a point that if any listed work is not done; it can be passed on to the other day without creating a pressure of completing it within the set timeframe. Discipline is the key to success and if you are disciplined and follow your set goal religiously, self-improvement is bound to happen naturally.

Women in the house can buy women dumbbells []. Because exercises with women dumbbells [] will help them achieve the goals of exercise without having much trouble.

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Spell Perseverance

What is spell perseverance? :

I have a problem. I have a bit of an obsession to finish what I start , get to the end (which is the end point is in my head ) .

This "problem" of spell perseverance as markup looks like it should be a good thing . After all , that's how the shit .

However, spell perseverance change , people grow ( or not), and some addresses are intractable . This is where my problem is evident . I gravitate to hard questions. I have a particular view of how something is supposed to move, if the book in something long enough , eventually drop something useful or informative. But this is just the way science - or life - work.

I guess I'm totally out of help or hope. My instincts are not terrible . I tend to see the promise , without the trappings at first. But I'm not blind to the problems along the way. I can see that when something is close to neutral spell perseverance.

And this is when and where internal conflict begins , a battle between spell perseverance and pragmatism . I'll try one more thing ... Okay , but how long I can keep doing " one last try " ? Maybe ... I'm just an overreaction to a setback ... This problem of spell perseverance can not be resolved at this time. In general , the debate , I worry , I wonder if I continue . And last - weeks , months , even years later - I come to the same conclusion - this is not working as expected , at least for now .

Sometimes I wonder if it's just an inherent trait of personality at work or if - in science or , perhaps , society as a whole - exaggerated "stick -to - ness " Keep it . above. You know if you just stay with it , you can have spell perseverance. just keep working hard . Guests thereafter .

I also wonder if it's just fear. The fear of being wrong . I fear the lack of commitment , I'm not smart enough. I'm afraid I gave up and accept defeat rather than a sound strategic move . But perhaps above all, the fear of change of spell perseverance.

Change can be exciting, but also frightening. This means moving away from what I know , I've invested in spell perseverance. This means facing something new . And that means a whole new set of uncertainties. Even if something does not work , I knew it would not work . The old is broke, and I would not know how to fix it , but I knew where he was. Now , I took the opportunity to take the plunge again.

 Final spell perseverance:

Patience and spell perseverance to make a difference - in this race and this life . But taken too far , dedication can be harmful. I learn things I put aside for later and get the things that I should let go completely . It is not always easy to distinguish. There were mistakes , and there will be more . But I am more and more, and hopefully learn to balance these two parts of my mind - he wants to finish what he started and that includes all the things that you can do to provide the end.

Stop Reliving Your Past, Live In The Now

When you think of a bad experience from your past, do you notice how you feel it in the present moment? It feels like it is happening right now. You feel the way you felt when the situation happened - the same sadness and upset. We rarely focus on the good things that happen. But we can always in a pinch, think of the sad and soul robbing situations. Do you think that reliving that sad or upsetting situation is of any benefit to you? All it does is make you remember and feel pain.
Does dredging up the past stop you from experiencing it again? It can, if you use it as a learning experience. If you don't, it will be an experience that remains painful. It will be like an instant replay, going around and around in your head, making you into a victim that still feels powerless.
If you want to continue to feel sorry for yourself and behave as though you are a victim, by all means go ahead. But, you will continue the vicious cycle of pain with no real personal growth. The choice is up to you.
If you are willing to stop and see what you have learned from this experience, you will never have to bring that experience back into your life. You will learn where you did not take responsibility for yourself, and where you did not truly value your self-worth. Once you see the lesson, you can give yourself the pleasure of developing character traits that will have you end the replay, enabling you to go forward in your life.
Stop for one second and take a look at your life. Look at the obstacles that you have overcome. Look at the strengths that you have developed. We use resistance training to develop our bodies. Maybe your life experiences were your resistance, enabling you to develop something within you. If only you could reflect a minute longer in the positive and look at your life in the now, instead of the past, you can see the greatness that resides within you. If you could step out of the pain and own your power, you would no longer need to introduce yourself as your past.
Case study: A female professional who worked hard, is extremely smart, and a risk taker despite her external conversations about fear.
Past: She did not have this or that. She was not loved and lost family members. She had only her basic needs met as child.
Present day: On meeting this woman, I had to hear what she went through as a child; what she experienced with the tears and the upset, how she suffered, etc. She was a victim and decades later she is still a victim.
Actuality: She is successful in her current career, has impeccable taste in clothes and all things beautiful, and very well put together. She is very loving, but also very defensive, and has difficulty receiving.
Being so entrenched in her past, she is unable to see her present situation, neither can she see her future. The thing about the past is that when you are unhealthy regarding your past, you will fight tooth and nail to keep yourself stuck in it. If you are experiencing issues from your past, commit to working on being devoted to giving it up and changing direction in your life by being present and thinking differently.
You have a habit. You are familiar, secure and comfortable with the tears from being upset and angry. Try on a new coat by giving it up NOW! Keep in mind that if you want it back, it is only a thought away.
The moment you realize that you are not your past, you begin to have a past, and learn that life exists in the present moment. Life gets created in the present and we are always living in the now. Two minutes from now is the now. Two days from now will be the now, two years from now will be the now. We are always in the now, going to into the future and looking at the past from the now. So place yourself firmly in the now and create NOW!
Noreen Sumpter, Personal Life Coach: works with High Achievers who feel trapped in their private life and helps them build up their personal confidence and self-esteem. By helping you clear mental clutter and dissolve limiting beliefs, you can take deliberate steps, own your voice, speak your truth and have the freedom to Live Life Your Way.
"Live Life Your Way" Call 718-834-9450 or e-mail

Integrity's Challenge and Reward

Integrity's challenge stands abreast with impartiality.
Impartiality is about applying every fair perspective.
Perspective is the gift of harmony with God.
Integrity's about taking on every aspect of the reflective.
The goal of healing is a life healed enough that it may stand with integrity, be blessed by perspective, and be able to offer impartiality. With integrity, no side is taken; only the God-objective remains. That is the challenge for all of us to be humble enough to receive our healing such that integrity, perspective, and impartiality may become us more and more to the glory of God.
Great peace is enjoyed by the person who has done their work to cooperate with God - the work of repentance - in approaching healing for reconciling wrongs - who lives life obediently and humbly penitent. They recognise the power in repentance and that is the secret to their integrity. It is no more complex than that. They have kept a short account with God, and therefore have no need of keeping short account with another human being.
None of us escape this eternal call to honour God by being integral persons - one with God, as much as humanly possible, and one with ourselves, in order that we may be one with others.
When we can be trusted to speak the truth, because we speak in love, because to speak out of love is to hurt ourselves, not just the other, we have an innate integrity. This is pleasing to God. That would be an understatement, because much of the time human conflict is caused through a lack of integrity, where a courageous commitment to speak the truth would be of great overall benefit.
There is a great personal reward meted out to the person who is prepared to float graciously within the boundaries of integrity and not encroach beyond those boundaries. We could foreseeably call this, wisdom.
Such a person has a good grip on impartiality - due that close account with God - and they scarcely miss any vital perspective. There is no sign of a routine lack of judgment, though the person of integrity is the quickest to pick up a fault and repent of it.
Integrity means no side is taken; only the God-objective remains. There is no favouring one over another. Integrity is a gift to others as it is faithfulness before God. Integrity is its own reward.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor who holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

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Fearing the Future After Loss

When your planned future is no longer your reality and the fear of your new reality is starring you in the face, what do you do? When plans of growing old together are no longer. When plans to bring home that baby in the newly decorated room are no longer. When plans for that celebration dinner are no longer. When plans to decorate the new townhome are no longer. When plans to co-partner the new business are no longer. When plans for the graduation and college-bound party are no longer. When plans to build the retirement lake home are no longer. When plans for the dream vacation are no longer.
Fear of the future is facing you head on with no answers, direction, guidance, or alternatives. So, what do you do? You can't make it go away. You can't stop wondering why. You can't pretend it isn't happening. You might even go into denial for a short period of time. But then, you realize that life is continuing on while you are still stuck.
Here are three tips that I use for my grief coaching clients, and have used myself, when the death of a loved one has interrupted life and one fears their future.
  1. Give yourself quiet time. Although meaning well, others really don't know what to say or what not to say to a grieving individual. Only you can know what you are feeling and how your future plans have been shattered. One of my favorite exercises is the "Cry Party." Just as you would any other appointment, schedule quiet time for a cry party. If you are a spontaneous person, or if a grief burst hits, you can do this at that time. Do what works best for you. Find something that relaxes you (your favorite song, your loved one's favorite song, a favorite item or keepsake of your loved one, a scented candle, etc.). Take that item with you to a comfortable and quiet space and cry. Tears are cleansing and healing. Give yourself a time limit for this exercise so that you don't stay too long as you don't want the exercise to become counterproductive.

  2. Accept that your future has changed. Yes, this is easier said than done and there are steps to get to the place of acceptance; however, when you accept that your life will never be the same again, you can begin to plan you new life going forward. Fear will be reduced as you accept that this new life can be meaningful and you can find peace, purpose, and joy in it all.

  3. Seek your purpose in life going forward. You have two choices in this one. As you work through the grief process, continue on your path to fulfill the purpose you had before the loss; or, use the experience of loss to find meaning and purpose in life going forward.
Fear is normal and everyone experiences it at some point in life. Grief can bring on intense fear because it is compounded with other emotions of grief such as anger, guilt, shock, pain, regret, loneliness, etc. I encourage you to strive to move from grief to gratitude and live your life for the rest of your life.
Dora Carpenter is a certified life coach, grief coach, and founder of The ANIYA Group Life Coaching Center. She is also among the select trainers from all over the world who have been hand-picked and licensed by best-selling author and motivational speaker, Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. to teach Feel the Fear... and Do It Anyway® workshops.
For more information on the September 20, 2013 Feel the Fear Workshop in Washington, D.C., visit