Healthy Optimism and A Positive Attitude

Healthy Optimism Will Get You Far
If you want to fly unaided, using only your hands and arms, no amount of positive thinking will allow you to do that flying. As a matter of fact, of course, if you stand on the top corner of a high building and spread your arms and hands and expect to fly when you jump off that building you will kill yourself.

On the other hand, healthy optimism will get you farther down the road of life than pessimism. Health and wealth are just two of the possibilities that may come your way when you hold a consistently positive attitude.

Studies have shown that people who are consistently affirmative in their attitude toward everything and everybody enjoy better health than those who do not. A whole craze has grown up around casting positive vibrations upon the Universe, expecting positive return on thoughts and feelings from the Universe.

Neither Too Hot Nor Too Cold
Healthy optimism, in my opinion, is somewhere between fatalistic pessimism and irresponsible optimism, sometimes called Pollyanna-ism. Fatalistic pessimism might be defined as believing that everything, all the time, will turn out poorly or badly. Irresponsible optimism might be defined as the attitude that everything all the time will turn out well or good. That one can fly unaided would be irresponsible optimism; that one can never fly in any way might be fatalistic pessimism.
Healthy optimism has got to be somewhere in between.

You Can Fly
Of course, you can fly - in a plane or a giant kite or in the newer para-suits where you look like a flying squirrel. The person who set out to learn to fly, by holding a positive attitude, kept working and inventing until human flight become possible. Enter the Wright brothers and their flying machine.

So positive thought long held will produce results. Those results can be, literally, in any walk of life, through any occupation or avocation. Your life can be improved through healthy optimism.

How Do I Get One?
Simply said, you develop a positive attitude by developing a positive attitude. Yes, I know the former sentence sounds redundant. But is it really redundant? If your attitude is negative at this time, you've got to turn things around by turning your mental posture in a different direction.
You've got to see the virtuous and benevolent in everything and everybody. Yes, I know that is not easy in every case. Sometimes it is downright difficult when it comes to some people or some disasters.

Your atrocious boss may try to browbeat you into submission with his impossible demands and deadlines. The tornado that destroyed your home and took all your possessions is not easy to see as presenting opportunities to find the good in it.

A Foundation Is Necessary
To develop and keep healthy optimism you need a foundation upon which to build. You need a place where you may position your confidence that things will turn out, if not for the best, than better than first might meet the eye.

You find such a foundation in the meaning of life, which, I believe, is to be happy. You find that happiness by developing a genuine relationship with The All There Is. You develop that relationship by being in constant touch with The All There Is through such activities as the many forms of meditation.

In that relationship you will find total and complete acceptance from The All There Is. In that absolute acceptance you will find happiness that weathers every and all conditions. There is no greater feeling of well-being than to be perfectly accepted just as you are right now. A supreme feeling of well-being is happiness. Said another way, happiness is a feeling of constant well-being.

Develop That Base
Use one of the forms of meditation and begin today to develop healthy optimism that your life be positive. You can turn your life around in this moment by deciding you will develop the foundation and the relationship that leads to the ability to maintain positivity.
Get to it.
I invite you to be Happier In Five Minutes and for the Rest of Your Life This book will give a great start on being happy. Buy it now.
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Love Manifests All

The law of attraction has a principle of love that is the foundation for manifesting everything. Love is what fuels our passion and causes us to want something. It motivates us towards success. Love is the energy that inspires our dreams.
Love of self is the cornerstone of finding your higher self.
Loving yourself is essential to self-esteem and self-worth.
Love reminds us that we are worthy of all good things, not because of who we are but just because we are. The feelings of love for self and for others fill us with joy and happiness.
When we are on our highest path, we are following a path filled with the people and things we love most.
Love is rooted in gratitude. When we fall in love, we are grateful for that love and for the other person, even for their shortcomings. Over time we get comfortable, and can begin to lose gratitude and replace it with negative feelings about the other person. We may start complaining about this person's shortcomings or the other behavior that makes us irritable or angry.
We may also have stopped focusing on being grateful for finding a loving relationship and begun focusing on the negatives, or the things we are ungrateful for. However, it's important to remember that we can start manifesting negative behavior in others too, especially in the ones we love because we have lost focus on the positives. We have lost focus on being grateful for what has felt good to us. This too, is the law of attraction at work.
By becoming aware and with purpose and intention, focusing on being grateful for your partner and all of the wonderful things that make you love him or her can help you re-ignite those flames of passion. You will open yourself to receiving love as well as giving love. You will begin to manifest the behaviors you want rather than manifesting the behaviors and responses you don't want.
Love is powerful. Let it motivate you to focus with intent on the things you are passionate about and want to manifest. Let it drive away the negative thoughts and fill you with positive thoughts about yourself and those you love.
Love is not just about relationships however. Love is what informs our understanding and involvement in whatever we do. The focus of our love is ultimately determines what we manifest or attract into our lives be it positive or negative. We are all empowered to create, appreciate, and enjoy happiness and success in our lives, but it is a choice each of us makes through love, gratitude and intention.
What if you had the power to create your life experience? Sharon Ballantine is living proof that it is possible. Out of her experience, study, and passion, Sharon, who turned her own life around, is is a life coach helping others use the law of attraction to manifest the love-filled life of their dreams. Visit to learn how Sharon can teach you to empower yourself and take your life in a new, more fulfilling direction.

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The Importance of Communication at Work

Communication is one of the most vital components of an effective work environment, as it affects employee productivity, cost effectiveness and innovation. Here are some ways communication is important in the workplace:
Setting Clear Workplace Expectations
Having effective and clear communication enables managers to give understandable instructions to their teams. If workplace guidelines and expectations are accurately described then there is a decreased chance that mistakes will occur due to misinterpretation. Being an effective leader means understanding how to use communication to motivate your team, create clear company policies, and give adequate instructions for projects.
Strong Relationships with Coworkers and Customers
Great communication helps develop strong relationships among coworkers as well as with customers. Trust and loyalty are boosted by communication that is focused on meeting individual needs, providing valuable feedback, and conveying useful information. Strong relationships within the company will also support effective communication with customers, accurately describing products and services, and clearly defining organizational values. Good communication also helps successful problem solving to occur as an employee resolves a customer problem.
Promotes Innovation
Good workplace communication fosters a sense of community that encourages creativity and innovation. Employees who clearly understand what is important to their company can focus on identifying areas where improvements can be made to increase company success. When employees know that their input is valuable, they are more likely to contribute their ideas. Business leaders must also have great communication skills to keep them open and responsive to this feedback.
Cost Effective
Ineffective communication can be costly to organizations. Employees who struggle with communication may require supplemental training to help them interact with customers as well as coworkers. If an employee's communication is a recurring issue, the company might choose to terminate them. This is another expense as businesses lose money through having a vacant position and then needing to pay recruiting costs.
How Staffing Organizations Can Help
Communication is a vital tool that fosters workplace cohesion and efficiency. When communication breaks down, it can lower employee satisfaction and productivity, reduce company profit, and stifle innovation. Using professional staffing services is one way to help build an effective and productive workplace.
These career specialists are able to help you recruit effective communicators that work well as a team by thoroughly screening applicants before you even start interviewing. Some staffing agencies also provide workplace improvement programs that help businesses by hiring and managing a particular department.
Afton Lucente is the Vice President of Marketing and Communications at TRC Staffing Services, Inc., a full-service staffing solutions provider with over 30 years of industry experience. Established in 1980, TRC is one of the largest privately-held staffing firms in the country. TRC has 44 locations in 14 states, providing traditional staffing services, professional and technical staffing, and management services to some of the country's leading companies. Learn more at

Serious Success

The thing to take most seriously in life is what you personally think of as success. For starters, I suggest getting a note pad, a legal pad is best and letting what you really want pour out on to it. "Mistakes" in this area do not matter, in fact they reveal more about you than anything. They reveal your true and honest motivations sometimes, I know, because I have made those sort of "mistakes", and had those sort of revelations when I was such a beginner at this sort of thing. This sort of brain storming is where serious success starts. It ends with the achievement of what you genuinely want. This article is basically about what happens in between the start which is the brainstorming genuinely on paper, and the end which is the achievement of what you genuinely want.

Consistent action that is rational and understood by yourself is the key to serious success. Without consistent action that is rational, understood and effective, you flounder and then fail. But fear not temporary failure, for it teaches you what you need to ultimately succeed, seriously. Permanent failure is simply temporary failure you allow to take you out through fear. Temporary failure is getting understanding to succeed the next time you try or do. Indeed, when I say consistent action that is rational and understood by yourself is the key to serious success, I mean learn from temporary failure, do not let failure take you out of the running for and to your goals and objectives.

What I said in the second paragraph lines up if you really read it with what I said in quotes in the first paragraph about mistakes. Genuine mistakes in the sense I am writing about are not failures, but stepping stones to ultimate success through understanding fully the nature of what you are doing to ultimately succeed. Success is a consistent project, not a destination, though. That is that is meant by a series of successes instead of the erroneous foolishness in thinking "permanent success and that is it, work is done." So, life is a road you handle seriously at the levels that count if you do want to succeed in it. If you want to fail in it, quit completely at the first mistake you make, and consider that permenent. Make nothing about it, to genuinely win, you must learn how first, and to repeat the winning consistently you must master after much understanding of what you are doing, have done and will do.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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Perseverance Is the Key to Success

Most of us, in a lifetime, cherish a dream that we know can take us really far in life. We have all been blessed with some sort of talent; all we need to do is discover it and turn it into our profession.
The most important step we can take towards achieving that goal is taking action! But unfortunately, even when the first move is made, we do not go through with it the whole way simply because we lack the quality of perseverance.
We may have heard about perseverance being the key to success a hundred times before, but never really stepped back to think what it actually means and how it is relevant to our lives. Most of us tend to get bogged down by little failures and just give up on dreams that may have been long cherished.
The Stepping Stones.
It is easy to get discouraged during times of difficulties. We may feel hollow and empty, and may even think that there is no purpose in life when a challenging situation comes along.
The shame of a single failure becomes so huge in our minds that we are not even ready to take a "re-look" at things. We just quit saying that it was not meant to be! But we tend to forget that failure indeed is the only stepping stone to success.
When pursuing our dreams, we have to do it the old fashioned way! We have to carry on despite the many obstacles that are likely to present itself. When these obstacles come up in form of little failures, we can't afford to give up!
We are not talking about sticking to a path that we know will lead to sure shot failure (that's stupidity!), but a path that we think will lead us to the fulfilment of our dreams. It's all about having the right attitude.
If we make a decision to stay focussed on our dreams no matter what, we will see that even the most devastating failures will seem insignificant. It's about having our goal in sight at all times.
Giving into despair will do us no good, as all we will do is feel sorry for ourselves and wallow in self pity. On the other hand, if we accept our failures as the stepping stones and learn from them, we will be successful in our endeavours sooner than later!
Mostly all the successful people that the whole world knows about today have met with failure, not once but numerous times till success has come knocking on their door.
Failures Behind Many Greats.
Did you know that the man who gave us the immortal cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, was fired by a newspaper editor because he felt that Walt Disney lacked imagination? When he decided to start his own animation company, he was turned down 302 times; but it did not stop him from pursuing his dreams. And Disney was not alone.
In more recent times, JK Rowling (bestselling author and the creator of Harry Potter), was penniless and the manuscript that she had written was rejected as many as twelve times. But she chose not to give up. She kept pursuing publishers till Bloomsbury decided to publish her first book, and the rest as they say is history!
A kind publisher once told Rowling that she should consider getting a day job because there was no future in children's books. Little did he know then that Rowling would become even richer than the Queen of England someday!
So as you see, failures will come our way. Many small and big failures. But if we give up, we will not only end up feeling deprived, but will also deprive the world of something truly beautiful!
Want to know the Number 1 reason why the Law of Attraction, Visualization, Affirmations, Prayers and other Manifestation Techniques DON'T work for you? Visit Choose To Believe and discover the power of believing in yourself. Go to

The Path to Happiness

Do you consider yourself happy? We all know how to meet our basic physical needs food, shelter, sleep because it is essential to our survival. But what about our emotional needs? Why is it that we can overlook that so easily?
The Dalai Lama asked, "What is the meaning of life?" and responded simply with "To be happy and useful."
The path to happiness is not always so simple. We may get lost or turned around. We may follow a path believing it will bring us closer to that emotional state, only to hit a dead end. We may get "things", but not the feelings we think those "things" will bring. Bumps caused by disappointment, heartbreak and failures are intermittent. Before we get so far derailed from our original path, it is important to stop and take a moment to evaluate the direction we are moving.

Ask yourself, are actions taking me down this path or thoughts and beliefs? The powerful affects of the human mind and your happiness are often overlooked. Assumptions, beliefs and expectations of what we believe will make us happy are filed consciously and subconsciously in the back of our mind over time. They affect and dictate our choices in a way that we may not even be aware of. And let's face it, what made you happy at 20, may not be the same as when you are 40.

At the crossroad of happiness, self-evaluation is essential. Following the time honored wisdom, "to thine own self be true" and "do what you love" along with the tips suggested by Oprah below will help you to follow the right path.

1. Find your golden self
In ancient times, the Greeks believed that every child was blessed at birth with a daimon ("spirit" or "deity") that embodied the highest potential of their nature. This daimon was envisioned as a golden figurine that would reveal itself by cracking away an outer layer of cheap pottery (or the person's exterior). Have you recognized and embraced your golden self?

The effort to know and realize one's most golden self, or achieve a new level of "personal growth," is founded in the well being concept of eudemonia. Derived from the Greek words eu ("good") and daimon ("spirit" or "deity"), Eudaimonis happiness is based on the premise that people are happy if they experience life purpose, challenges and growth. Research has proven that although this is not the most traditional view on happiness, taking on new challenges and fulfilling one's sense of purpose in life is actually more important in long-term satisfaction.

"Eudaimonic well-being is much more robust and satisfying than hedonic happiness, and it engages different parts of the brain," says Richard J. Davidson, PhD, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "The positive emotion accompanying thoughts that are directed toward meaningful goals is one of the most enduring components of well-being."

2. Design your life to bring in joy
David Schkade, PhD, a psychologist and professor of management at the University of California San Diego, noted, "people don't devote enough time to thinking seriously about how they spend their life and how much of it they actually enjoy." In a study conducted by Schkade 900 working women wrote down everything they had done the day before. Afterward, they reviewed their lists and evaluated how they felt at each point. When the women saw how much time they spent on activities they did not enjoy, "people had tears in their eyes," Schkade says. "They didn't realize their happiness was something they could design and have control over."

Making even just small changes can put more joy in your life, exchanging one hour a day from an activity you hate (such as cleaning or commuting) to one you enjoy (reading or hanging out with friends) will improve your happiness tenfold. The key is to take action. Make deliberate changes to keep yourself happier for longer.

3. Avoid "if only" fantasies
Stop story booking your life right now. "If only" I get a better job... find a man... lose the weight... my life will be perfect and I will live happily ever after.
Guess what? Truly happy people don't buy into this "If only" way of thinking. They recognize that eventually the novelty and excitement of a new job, boyfriend or weight loss will wear off and you will be left searching for the next best thing. Research shows that we are actually incredibly bad at predicting what will make us happy. People have a tendency to hone in on one aspect of their life, called the focusing illusion. Instead, do what truly happy people do and keep your life full of "new" by continually trying new things.

4. Put best friends first.
Being social is one of the biggest contributing factors to happiness. This should be no surprise. However, the types of people you surround yourself with can make a difference. You get more joy from spending longer periods of time with close friends than acquaintances.

5. Allow yourself to be happy
We want it, but deep down many of us deny ourselves happiness. It has been engrained in us that it is wrong to be "too" happy. Newsflash! It has been proven that people who live their lives expressing positive emotions such as happiness, gratitude and optimism lived 7-10 years longer.

If that isn't fact enough for you, I don't know what is, but it is time to dump the pessimistic attitude and start making small changes now and live a happier, healthier and longer life!

Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at

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Why Are You Still Comparing Yourself?

It is the nature of a human being to compare himself or herself to another, so we all make comparisons. The question is, what kind of comparisons are you making?
All too often, we compare ourselves to others who have what we want, which causes us to feel a sense of emptiness or limitation. But what if we could look at other people who have what we want and feel appreciation instead. What if we could feel inspired by those who are succeeding in the areas that we are not.
Although we are all connected at an energetic level, we are all living separate lives and experiencing different journeys. So, when you find yourself comparing yourself to another, the first thing to remember is that there is no set path for everyone and there is more than one way to do something.
We all have different things to learn and different obstacles to overcome in order to grow, develop and expand. Society conditions us to certain limitations and trains us to compete against one another. But it's time to step outside of the bubble of limitations that society trains us into.
It doesn't matter what you currently have or do not have and it doesn't matter how successful you currently are. The only thing that matters is that you're moving toward what you want. When you're moving toward what you want, you're growing.
In order to move toward what we want, we must give up the act of comparing ourselves to others. We cannot move toward what we want if we are constantly making negative comparisons that make us feel like we're not good enough.
When we consciously make the decision to give up the act of comparing ourselves to others, we will be able to focus on the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives. When train our mind to focus on the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives, then self-praise will replace self-criticism.
It is only when self-praise replaces self-criticism that we will feel better about ourselves. When we stop judging ourselves, we will also stop judging other people and so not only will we feel better about ourselves, but we will also feel better about other people.
Tell yourself about all of your positive aspects. Tell yourself that you are good enough. Remind yourself that you are worthy of all your desires. Know that you are just as good as anyone else and that you have the power within.
Let go of the idea that you must compete with others and embrace the idea that you are worthy of everything you want, as is everyone else.
Learn the 5 most common misunderstandings of the Law of Attraction and pick up your free eBook at:

How to Realize Self Improvement Successfully

Implementing self improvement tips for your personal growth will result in a glorious career in future. Every person faces some situations in life during which it becomes extremely difficult to cope up with realistic challenges. Such situations could be tackled in a better way with help of techniques that are meant to improve your personality from a psychological viewpoint. The way things are being are looked at has to be changed as part of this improvement process. Expert psychologists are known to provide you with enough insights in dealing with problems in real life. It is a kind of offering personal help to those in need.
Technical knowledge about each and every process and/or task is necessary to obtain success in life. However, you need to consider certain factors that are necessary for the organization of your personality in a perfect manner. Basically, you are required to develop your communication skills in order to complete a given task without any complexities. During the process, you come across several difficulties and issues that have to be taken care with the help of personal growth concepts. Obtain an advice or two from a specialist in order to avoid unnecessary troubles. Knowing about all specifications before dealing with a subject is necessary as well.
Improving your perception levels too aids a lot in the process of personality development on your own. Firstly, you need to practice meditation by focusing on your senses. Secondly, there are psychological experts who suggest practicing deep breathing exercises that help you in achieving more concentration. Contacting a life coach will be helpful for you in this regard as you will be able to get valuable suggestions on how to focus more on objectives that you have set up for yourself. It might be difficult initially to adjust to the techniques you choose but the results will be satisfactory.
Valuable reviews and e-books too are available online for instant downloading that you can consider on a timely basis. Several tips and interesting techniques will be provided through such online material. Implementing all of them will be easy for you besides following them to the fullest. If you are leading a busy life, then it is advised that you create a schedule regarding the ways in which you could achieve your objectives. Situational necessities will determine the kind of approach you need to take regarding personal help. Going through the latest self improvement techniques online will let you conduct your life in an ideal manner.
Effective self help programs should focus on all aspects of your life. To change your life you must develop an overall self help and self improvement plan that covers aspects of your life such as health, wealth and relationships. More info visit

Importance of Self Improvement

Societies all over the world have prospered and progressed and led to produce people and organizations who have mastered this improvement of the self art to great levels. Self improvement is also sometimes found to be synonymous with personal development. This is necessary for both a company as well as for an individual in the long run. 
For an individual it is essential that they perform the vital functions and perform the liabilities in accordance with the hard work. The person will achieve success only when he has fixed aims, good amount of knowledge and definite strengths and talents. This will lead to the development of a well identified identity and a respectable social status. This will be possible if the person is self developed. Hence the development of the self is very vital for the motivating of the person.
The person can be certain of the development of the self with the help of a honest and sincere self assessment. This can be done by undertaking tests. 
This will help in the establishing of a personal liability for the growth of the person and also keep the person updated about the happenings. The person will also have more self-confidence and will be able to boost techniques and methods. 
Learning from the experience is one of the primary rules of life. The best way to follow this rule is to simply understand the experiences of others and also to justify the direction.
When the development of the self has to occur in an organization then the company will have to incorporate career resource centers. This serves as a helping tool for the people in the company. There are variety of companies which aim at the development of the self of the employees. This is done to develop the inner growth of the person working in the company. The company can take the role of the teacher, coach, mentor, manager or even a guide and help in the development of the self of the person in the long run.
With the help of the development of the self of the individual, the society will also prosper. This will also help to make better individuals who will have a great motivation and wish to succeed in the work that they do. The main causes of failure are lack of motivation, lack of confidence and the lack of the social links. The development of the self through the correct measures will lead to elimination of these problems and the person will be able to lead a successful life.
This is the reason self improvement has become so popular in recent times.

The 3 Keys to Self Improvement and Motivation

Most people want to improve themselves in some way, whether it is to lose weight or give up smoking or increase their confidence. Self-improvement is something that we carry out over a life time, but it is a task that can require a lot of motivation. Keeping your motivation levels up and steady can be a job in itself. In order to achieve the motivation required for self-improvement, we need to look at the three keys that will help us succeed in our goals.

You need inspiration in order to keep you motivated and focused on improving yourself. If you are not as interested in your self-improvement as you should be, your motivation level will not high enough to be able to sustain interest for long periods. You need to take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about your self-improvement goal or does it feel more like a chore? If it feels like a chore, you are likely to grow weary and uninterested quickly because you have no inspiration or passion to sustain you during the difficult times you will encounter during the journey to self-improvement.

Becoming a better and fuller person should be inspiration enough but when we face setbacks and discouragement it can be difficult to maintain our motivation. The important thing is to reward the progress you make. If you are dealing with shyness, for instance, and successfully socialise with strangers at a party, you should reward yourself for working towards your goal of banishing your shyness. Treat yourself to something you like or enjoy doing - a facial or a new life-affirming book, a trip to the cinema or a wonderful dinner at a restaurant. Spoil yourself a little and do so knowing that you are worth it.

Try and link your self-improvement goal with something that you love doing, like a hobby you are passionate about. Using shyness once again as an example, you could try and work on banishing your shyness by joining a club or evening class that relates to your hobby. That way, you are doing something you love as well as meeting your self-improvement goals and because you are doing something you love you are more likely to continue attending the class or club rather than find excuses to stop attending and as a result weaken your motivation.

Setting short and long-term goals is vital for anyone whose aim is self-improvement. Goals are also an excellent aid to our motivation, spurring us on towards achievement. Most importantly, if you do not set goals you will lack a definite purpose and direction. It's impossible to be motivated if you're not even sure about the direction you need to take. The best thing to do is to set out your goals in writing. This does not have to be at all daunting as it is nothing more than putting your aims and wishes in writing. You can view it as a private contract you have with yourself, but the difference is this contract can be changed whenever required so that it suits your needs.

Write down the short term goals that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days, or weeks. For instance, if you wish to build up your confidence, start learning some positive affirmations and become conscious of your negative thinking patterns. If you suffer from anxiety, learn some breathing techniques. Include your more ambitious long term goals also, that may possibly take months or even years to complete. Do not let timescales worry you. Remember that regular, small steps will take you far. From time to time, refer to your plan to remind yourself of your aims and to fire your motivation. Written goals will make you feel more serious about and connected to your aims and it will also free you from having to work out every day what your goals are. This will save you time which you can then use on fulfilling your self-improvement goals.

Another key to staying motivated is to network with other like-minded people and learn from those who have expertise in self-help. Networking doesn't necessarily mean you have to meet people face to face, although this is often the best way of communicating with someone. Networking to aid your self-improvement and motivation also means joining groups on the Internet, carrying out home study courses, reading self-help books, websites and blogs, joining online support forums and communities.

There is a wealth of different self-help communities on the Web providing worthwhile information and help. You can't be expected to have all the information you need to understand every stage of your self-improvement so use others' expertise to help you. You'll be able to conquer challenges you perhaps could not have done alone.

Networking also helps you to stop feeling alone in your goal to self-improvement. It is very comforting to find that other people are striving for the same goals as us. None of us can truly succeed without the help of others - mutual support is very motivating.

If you find a mentor or the right networking group your self-improvement and levels of motivation are likely to soar. Sharing ideas, hopes, problems, wishes, knowledge and successes are an invaluable aspect of motivation and self-improvement and with others to rely on and help you will find that you can accomplish more in less time and also have more fun along the way.

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Stop Procrastination

What is Stop Procrastination?

Do you know that stop procrastination is driven by old emotional programming hidden deep in the subconscious mind in the form of negative limiting beliefs and fears? Do you know that this programming behaves like an emotional straight-jacket that robs one of their power and freewill ability to act? Do you know this programming is actually foreign to who you truly are and should not be inside of you at all? Finally, do you know that it is now possible to systematically, permanently and completely delete, erase or uninstall this toxic programming from within once and for all thereby allowing you to live a free, self directed, abundant and empowered life? Want to learn more? for Stop Procrastination .

How to Stop Procrastination?

Stop Procrastination is driven by a number of hidden limiting beliefs and feelings such as:

1. I don't have what it takes to succeed.
2. I'm inadequate.
3. I lack self confidence.
4. The fear of failure.
5. The fear of being criticized or judged.
6. The fear of humiliation.
7. Anger and resentment around having to take responsibility for one's self and life.
8. The need to remain identified with the victim role as a way of punishing others.
9. The need to be rescued or taken care of by someone else.
10. The fear that one's success might alienate them from friends and family.
11. The fear of the envy or jealousy of others.
12. I am unworthy or undeserving of success.
13. The fear of having to make one's own decisions.
14. The fear of being totally responsible for one's self.
15. The fear of growing up.
16. The fear of separating from one's family of origin and retaining the child role.

The solution of Stop Procrastination:

If you are following closely and identified with any of the above I am sure you can feel how restrictive any of those items feel. The metaphor of an "invisible emotional straight-jacket" is appropriate here because you literally feel mentally, emotionally and physically immobilized or paralyzed to Stop Procrastination.

Now imagine that was your perpetual state what impact do you feel it would have on your life? Well, it would cause it to collapse!

What you may not realize is that all that programming to Stop Procrastination is sourced from and supported by old emotional baggage stored within you in the form of negative memories from earlier in life. Memories of say failure, verbal and physical abuse, abandonment, neglect, humiliation, bullying etc. leave emotional scars,all that for Stop Procrastination.

It's Time to Stop Procrastination:

Those scars generate and serve as the evidence for many of those beliefs and feelings.
The programming is hidden out of conscious awareness in the "sub"-conscious mind where one cannot see it acting nor can one control its actions. In other words it enslaves one to the program that is specified for them.

This is much like programming your computer to do a certain task; the latter much like a slave has no freewill ability to alter the task assigned to it. In the same way you too are limited to your assigned task.

With Stop procrastination the "task" might be to remain helpless, stuck, a failure, weak, submissive, helpless, dependent, a victim and so on. Clearly these are not very fulfilling "tasks" nor do they offer you any freedom or freewill to direct and live your own life.

the first purpose is Stop Procrastination:

What you do need to know however is that now, with a new process discovered just over a decade ago, it is actually possible to systematically, progressively and completely erase or dismantle all that subconscious programming thereby freeing one to assume full ownership, control and direction over their life to Stop Procrastination.

This equates to the experience of being able to move forward with a sense of empowerment, confidence, strength, resilience etc. and to put Stop procrastination (and any other negative emotional programmed baggage) literally in the past.

So if you are feeling inspired to live a free and empowered life perhaps you might wish to learn more about this or perhaps actually have a direct experience of this process for Stop Procrastination.

Self-Improvement And Motivation

Some folk come into this world with an inbuilt motivation that is just there, part of their DNA whilst others are born with a sense of persistence that transcends everything else they do. There are others who innately have both character traits of motivation and persistence together and are destined for great things; in fact, they have probably won first prize in the lottery of life.

Self-improvement needs determination, persistence, perseverance, diligence - call it what you will; there can be no self-improvement unless the motivation is there, allied to self-discipline to make it happen.
Some individuals feel that it is their right to be motivated by someone else; their boss, team captain or perhaps a spouse. They have to wake up because the world has changed and the current world-wide depression is a portent of the new order. Western civilisation based on capitalism is struggling with many age-old financial institutions in turmoil and seemingly out of control. A new order is emerging and countries thought to be low-wage economies are blossoming with Brazil, Russia, India and China (bric) showing signs of being the new powerhouse; in fact, many western forward-thinkers are now heading for these countries, anxious to be where the action is.

If you rely on your livelihood coming from a multi-national organisation it is time to take a long hard look at your personal situation. The days of permanent employment are long gone and are not likely to return. Review your talents and what you have to offer to the world for the one thing you have is a choice; the ability to choose what you want to do and where you want to spend the rest of your life.

Competition is tough in what has become known as the rat race; check out the folks who are scouring Google for self-improvement and motivation; you will be surprised - if not amazed. Look at the web pages devoted to How To Get Motivated 10,500,000, Self Improvement 25,600,000 or Self Improvement Advice 8,650,000. That tells you what the competition is like; just wait until countries like China and India become as computerised as those in the Western world. There are people on this planet thirsting for knowledge. In reality, Personal Development already has 157,000,000 pages to meet this demand. So wake up and get going - otherwise you will be left behind. And that should be motivation enough for you.

There are millions searching the web for How To Get On In Life and millions more looking for the magic key to unlock the door marked Personal Motivation so you had better develop a Winning Attitude or else your number is up. There is no excuse for there are literally thousands of self-help books available as well as personal development seminars. You can even buy Personal Development Plans already laid out for you.

If you do not know where to start here is a free tip. Beg, borrow or steal a copy of 50 Success Classics - a veritable treasure-house of archetypal self-improvement books. The author, Tom Butler-Bowden, reviews a selection of world-famous volumes by some of the luminaries of the self-development and self-help business.
Described by the publisher as Winning wisdom for work and life from 50 landmark books you will find a resume of many famous publications and perhaps some that have passed you by and, if you do not know where to begin your journey, this is the starting line.

There are old books as far back as 1867 by Horatio Alger and Orison Swett Marden 1894 along with the legendary Acres of Diamonds from 1921 by Russell Conwell. If your taste is for some of the more up-to-date giants of the self-improvement industry you will be enthralled by See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar and Richard Wiseman with his The Luck Factor: Change Your Luck - And Change Your Life.
However, you can read all you like, and at least that is a good start, but in the end it is up to you - so if you want it badly enough, just get up and go do it!

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Psychology and Self Improvement: A Way To Overcome Your Fear

It has been shown that virtually everyone is scared of the negatives. They are even scared to take up the process of self-improvement due to this very apprehensive feeling. A psychology and self improvement combination comes in handy, in such situations.

In such processes, one is taught that ups and downs are a part of life. Nothing exists that is called 'permanent up' or anything is called 'permanent down'. One should remember that these ups and downs are unavoidable even for the most successful people.

A person ought to take lessons from the downs and not try to avoid them. By learning how to effectively handle the problems, we use reverse psychology self-improvement upon our own selves.

Every one of us is affected by different problems every now and then. Because we have feelings, these problems end up bringing misery into our lives. We have to make sure that we are not losing hope when trying to figure out the solutions to our problems. It is not impossible to overcome problems; however, we can always learn something from them. Here, is when psychology and self improvement can play a very significant role.

Psychologists suggest us to think through the decisions that we make to counteract our problems. Learning from our mistakes helps us to prepare for a psychology self improvement process to occur.
Different people say different things for the events that take place in our everyday life. Some say that whatever happens happens because of a predestined reason; while, another belief states that whatever is happening now, is happening to prepare us for things which have to take place in the near future.

With all this, we should accept that unexpected things may happen anytime and anywhere. However, one thing that one should understand is that a psychological self improvement is not meant to prepare you for the worst. Take into account that when unexpected things happen, they are actually helping us out of our monotony.

If you feel certain things are hindering you from moving on, then following tips would help you to move forward:
Focus on the positive effects that a psychology self improvement would have. Try to imagine someone else in the situation you are in and make it more dramatic than it really is. If you feel that this other person could have handled the problem, then you can surely handle it too. This is very good way to psychology self improvement.

You may think of a very bad situation that you may have to face and also think of possible solutions. Reflect on what you all may have to lose in the worst conditions, and how much significant these things are for you. If you are able to think of several reasonable solutions, then you can consider yourself to be safe.

Self-improvement isn't bad in any way. We are required to learn to handle any negative change which may happen in our lives. We can also reflect on these situations and learn from them and thus can use them effectively in any future events, which we may have to encounter. We are required to learn to grow and learn from our mistakes. This can be very well your unmatchable psychology self improvement process.

Hal Hoadley has over a quarter century dealing with people in sales and management situations. Hal has studied people and their actions in many different situations. The psychology and understanding of people's habits has been observed by Hal for many years and he is sharing his observations with you here.

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Characteristics of a Winning Personality

Whatever your job or career, your reputation is one of the most important assets you could have. You must be likeable to be able to enter into and develop a relationship with others. Unless you are able to develop relationships it will be very difficult for you to advance in almost any endeavor. People must like you if they are going to trust you and want to cooperate or do business with you, which means that being able to build relationships is the number one reason for success in every area of life!

There are two key questions that you must ask yourself to be able to evaluate whether or not you pass the personality test. They are:
a) Are you able to easily get along with people from all backgrounds and walks of life?
b) Are you able to forgive those who may have wronged you?

Your answer should be a confident 'yes' to both of these questions. You must be able to pass this dual test on both counts to be able to comfortably move forward in any relationship. As already indicated, the more others like you the more likely they will be to collaborate with you.
Following is a list of 10 points that, if implemented, will help to develop a likeable personality:

i) Show yourself as being friendly - to have a friend, you must first be a friend. Support and encourage others.

ii) Smile - show yourself as being happy. Others gravitate towards those that exude joy.

iii) Have a positive mental attitude - look for the good and positive in everyone and in every situation. Don't criticize or complain.

iv) Make others feel important - give them of your time and of your complete attention so that they feel more valuable.

v) Use manners at all times - be polite, respectful and courteous.

vi) Ask questions - ask about family and hobbies. Ask for the other person's opinion to make them feel valued.

vii) Listen - listen attentively without interrupting.

viii) Be agreeable - if the other person gives his view or opinion on something, never tell him/her that they are wrong. If you must disagree about something, use questions or examples to communicate your point (i.e. How about if you do it this way? Have you thought about this? A friend of mine did it this way and they found it to be much easier).

ix) Compliment and praise - compliment others on achievements. Praise will always bring out the best in others, and encourage them to do more and push themselves further.

x) Show gratitude - appreciate the people and things around you.

The more emphasis you put on developing a likeable personality, the easier it will be to build relationships with others. Always keep in mind that the ability to forge relationships with others is the key to building a successful career and life. Resolve to make the effort to become a likeable person that gets along with everyone. As your relationships grow, watch positive things happen in your life!

Frank Borg has authored and published training content on selling skills, customer service, goals achievement, public speaking and various aspects of personal development. He has trained individuals and companies in countries spanning four continents.

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